Here you can find answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Mennonite Church USA.
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is the largest Mennonite denomination in the United States with 16 conferences, approximately 530 congregations and 62,000 members. An Anabaptist Christian denomination, MC USA is part of Mennonite World Conference, a global faith family that includes churches in 86 countries. MC USA has many cooperative ministries, including colleges and seminaries, mutual insurance programs, health service and service organizations. Learn more about MC USA here.
Mennonite Church USA is one of about 40 different Mennonite groups in the United States that share a common faith ancestry and roots in the Anabaptist movement but vary in the way we dress, worship and relate to the world. People who are part of MC USA are not distinguished by any specific type of clothing or appearance.
There are over 1.75 million Mennonites in over 80 countries of the world, and about two-thirds of Mennonites around the world are African, Asian or Latin American. Learn more about Mennonites around the world here.
You are welcome here. We invite you to join us as, together, we follow Jesus and pursue Christ’s purpose in the world. Mennonites value the sense of community that comes with a shared vision of following Jesus, accountability to one another and the ability to agree and disagree in love.
The best way to get involved is through a local Mennonite congregation, which you can locate here.
Mennonite Church USA shares a Mennonite/Anabaptist perspective on matters of faith. It’s how we understand our commitment to following the way of Jesus Christ.
- Following Jesus in daily life is a central value.
- It is possible to follow Jesus as Lord above nationalism, racism or materialism.
- It is possible to follow Jesus as a peacemaker. We believe that we can practice the way of Jesus’ reconciling love in human conflicts and warfare, without having to strike out in fear to defend ourselves.
- We can live life simply and in service to others as a witness to God’s love for the world.
Mennonite Church USA is a peace church and part of the Anabaptist religious stream. MC USA’s Renewed Commitments, 2018, state the following shared commitments among our wide and diverse body of believers:
Follow Jesus
As an Anabaptist community of the living Word, we listen for God’s call as we read Scripture together, guided by the Spirit. Through baptism we commit ourselves to live faithfully as Jesus’ disciples, no matter the cost.
Witness to God’s peace
We are called to extend God’s holistic peace, proclaiming Christ’s redemption for the world with our lives. Through Christ, God frees the world from sin and offers reconciliation. We bear witness to this gift of peace by rejecting violence and resisting injustice in all forms, and in all places.
Experience transformation
The Holy Spirit dwells in and among us, transforming us to reflect God’s love. Through worship the Spirit gathers the body of Christ, where our diversity reveals God’s beauty. The Spirit empowers our communities to embody the grace, joy and peace of the gospel.
There are many Mennonite churches across the United States. Find one near you on our Find a Church page.
We also hold a national convention every two years where thousands gather for community, worship and faith formation. Each convention takes place in a different U.S. city, and all are invited to attend. Learn more here.
Mennonites believe that a basic part of the good news of Jesus is making peace and seeking justice. As a historic pacifist church, or peace church, we seek to put into practice Jesus’ teaching, “Love your enemies.”
Led by the Holy Spirit, we follow Christ in the way of peace, doing justice, bringing reconciliation, and practicing nonresistance even in the face of violence and warfare (from The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective).
Mennonites have a history of conscientious objection from participating in wars, and our peace witness extends into practicing reconciliation and extending God’s holistic peace in our daily lives. We bear witness to God’s gift of peace by rejecting violence and resisting injustice in all forms and in all places (from our Renewed Commitments).
#BringThePeace is Mennonite Church USA’s call to action for individuals and congregations to extend peace in our communities. #BringThePeace is also our prayer inviting God to bring the peace that expands our capacity for empathy, compassion and love that actively seeks to dismantle oppression and violence. Learn more here.
The Mennonite colleges, universities and seminaries offer renowned courses and programs in restorative justice, conflict transformation and/or peace studies.
- Read our document, “What is a peace church?“
- Visit our Peacebuilding page.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we follow Christ in the way of peace, doing justice, bringing reconciliation, and practicing nonresistance even in the face of violence and warfare (from The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective).
As a denomination that seeks to extend peace and dismantle oppression and violence in our communities, Mennonite Church USA has several social justice initiatives and programs.
These include:
- Undoing racism and advancing intercultural transformation
- Immigration justice and advocacy
- Dismantling patriarchy
- Sexual abuse response and prevention
- Creation care and climate justice
Find more information on our Peacebuilding page.
Mennonite Church USA Agencies
Mennonite Church USA has five agencies: Everence, MennoMedia, Mennonite Education Agency , Mennonite Mission Network and MHS. Each one is a separate institution with separate identities, boards and mandates, though they intersect at many places and collaborate with the MC USA Executive Board in carrying out the vision and collective mission of the denomination. Read about them here.
Mennonite Church USA Constituency Groups
Constituency groups work to serve the needs of their members across Mennonite Church USA and connect them to the larger vision and mission of the church. These include:
Mennonite Women USA
Mennonite Women USA includes any woman who desires to connect with other Mennonite women through our publications, events and social media. Engaging the prophetic voices of all women as we honor our stories, share grace, practice justice and embrace healing.
Mennonite Men
Mennonite Men is the men’s organization for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA with a mission of engaging men to grow, give and serve as followers of Jesus.
Global affiliates
Mennonite Church USA is part of a broader global faith network.
Mennonite World Conference
Mennonite World Conference exists to be a global community of faith in the Anabaptist tradition, facilitate relationships between Anabaptist-related churches worldwide, and relate to other Christian world communions and organizations.
Other Mennonite/Anabaptist organizations
Many people within Mennonite Church USA are involved with the following organizations and valuable ministries, though they are not officially affiliated with Mennonite Church USA.
Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions
The Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions advances thinking and action in Anabaptist and other faith communities to mitigate climate change.
CPT places teams at the invitation of local peacemaking communities that are confronting situations of lethal conflict. These teams support and amplify the voices of local peacemakers.
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
MCC is a global, nonprofit organization that strives to share God’s love and compassion for all through relief, development and peace. In all our programs we are committed to relationships with our local partners and churches. As an Anabaptist organization, we strive to make peace a part of everything we do.
Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN)
MCCN encourages the Church to claim its biblical and theological foundation regarding the care of God’s Creation, discover the ties that link all created beings to each other and to God,
confess the harm we have caused the natural world and our neighbors, and act faithfully to restore the earth.
Mennonite Disaster Service is a volunteer network of Anabaptist churches that responds in Christian love to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States.
The Mennonite Camping Association
The Mennonite Camping Association is committed to being a connecting place for camping ministries from across the Mennonite/Anabaptist faith tradition. The object of the organization shall be to unite the camping interest of the Anabaptist/Mennonite churches for the purpose of promoting church camping, sharing experiences, and working together on mutual concerns.
The Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition
The Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition is a group of Anabaptist leaders who work together to mobilize the church to dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery.
MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) is an international economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty.
Ten Thousand Villages
Ten Thousand Villages creates opportunities for artisans in developing countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to our markets through long-term, fair trading relationships.
Inclusion and the membership status of LGTBQ individuals varies by conference and congregation across MC USA. Discernment around this has been a cause of pain and disagreement.
Yes, there are LGBTQ Mennonites and LGBTQ-affirming Mennonite congregations. There are also Mennonite congregations who discern that same-sex marriage is sinful. A congregation’s website will often communicate if it is welcoming and affirming for people who are LGBTQ.
Here are some places that offer resources and support for LGBTQ Mennonites:
The MC USA Church Vitality office and area conferences have resources to walk with people who are considering new positions for ministry. Find more information on the process here.
One place to begin is by filling out the online MLI inquiry form and submitting it to MC USA’s Church Vitality office. This will begin your process of completing the Ministerial Leadership Information form (MLI). If possible, it is recommended to begin the application process six to 10 months in advance of the time when you are seeking a new pastoral position.
Pastor openings are listed at
Consider participating in service work. You can explore a wide variety of service opportunities for youth and adults through Mennonite Mission Network, our service agency.
Keep up with what’s happening across MC USA by subscribing to our publications. PeaceMail is our weekly e-newsletter. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Our national Mennonite convention takes place every two years, and it offers an inspiring time for thousands to gather for worship, fellowship and faith formation. Consider attending.
We rely on your support to continue our mission to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world. Make a tax-deductible gift to Mennonite Church USA today. Mennonite Church USA is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization EIN #35-2157800.