Lea la versión en inglés aquí. Registration is open for MC USA’s Hope for the Future conference, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2025, at Goshen (Indiana) College. This year’s unique event will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Damascus Road Anti-racism Process and its pivotal role in the Anabaptist commitment to justice and reconciliation. Hope for the Future is an annual event for BIPOC leaders across MC USA. This year’s event also welcomes white allies who are actively engaged in dismantling racism.
“We want to invite people who are curious about our struggle and our anti-racism journey as Mennonites, including people who have participated in a Damascus Road or Roots of Justice anti-racism training,” said Sue Park-Hur, director of racial-ethnic engagement for MC USA. “We invite them to come to share their stories of how it has impacted their church or lives. We also welcome students and young adults who want to learn more about our history,” she added.
Founded in 1995 by Mennonite Central Committee U.S., the Damascus Road Anti-racism Process pioneered anti-racism training for Mennonite and Anabaptist communities, equipping participants with essential theological, educational and organizational skills to initiate institutional transformation. Since 2012, Roots of Justice has continued the work of Damascus Road, expanding to other faith communities and secular organizations.
The 2025 Hope for the Future celebration is sponsored by Everence, Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Education Agency, Mennonite Mission Network and MHS Association.

Dr. Lerone A. Martin
Keynote speakers are Dr. Lerone A. Martin, associate professor of Religious Studies and the Martin Luther King, Jr., centennial chair and director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford (California) University, and Dr. Regina Shands Stoltzfus, professor of Peace Justice & Conflict Studies, Director of PJCS, Goshen College, and co-founder of the Damascus Road Anti-Racism Process.

Dr. Regina Shands Stoltzfus
“This year’s event is an opportunity to meet with long-time advocates and educators to see the long vision,” said Park-Hur. “We need to have a long vision of justice – and we can lean on to the wisdom and the resilience of these folks,” she added.
Worship speakers include Iris de León-Hartshorn, associate executive director of Operations and director of Human Resources for MC USA, who has spent her life working to promote anti-racism and intercultural competency, and Suzette Shreffler, a co-pastor of White River Cheyenne Mennonite Church, Busby, Montana. They will speak on the theme, “Enlightened by God’s Hope,” inspired by Ephesians 1:18 (NIV).
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people… Ephesians 1:18 NIV
Cristian Alemán, outreach coordinator and director of bilingual music at College Mennonite Church in Goshen, will lead music.
There will be an emphasis on storytelling at the conference, with two storytelling panel discussions, featuring long-time advocates, educators and denominational leaders. Attendees also will have the opportunity to attend their choice of two learning labs.
Planning committee members for the 2025 Hope for the Future event are:
- Ana Alicia Hinojosa, director of constituent engagement for Mennonite Mission Network.
- Felipe Hinojosa, Ph.D., the John & Nancy Jackson endowed chair in Latin America and professor of History at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, and one of the first Damascus Road trainers.
- Regina Shands Stoltzfus.
- Daniela Lázaro-Manalo, racial equity education and advocacy coordinator for MCC U.S.
- Marty Lehman, moderator-elect for the MC USA Executive Board.
- Madalyn Metzger, vice president of Marketing for Everence.
- Tobin Miller Shearer, co-founder of the Damascus Road Anti-Racism Process.
- Yvonne Platts, anti-racism trainer and restorative justice practitioner of Roots of Justice.
There will be a gala on the first night of the conference to honor elders who have played important roles in promoting anti-racism in their churches and communities.
Register for the 2024 Hope for the Future conference here. The registration fee of $250 covers event program costs, lunches and dinners. Scholarships are available for BIPOC students. Please email Sue Park-Hur for more information and a discount code.
Attendees will be responsible for securing their own lodging at the Fairfield Inn and Suites Goshen. Conference planners have negotiated a special rate of $99.00 plus tax per night for anyone who reserves their room by Jan. 28, 2025.
Young BIPOC leaders are encouraged to attend the conference and learn from and with more experienced attendees. To foster a more intergenerational experience, MC USA-affiliated colleges and seminaries are encouraged to partner with MC USA to send a student to the conference. Schools are asked to pay for the student’s travel to the conference, and MC USA will cover the cost of the registration and lodging.
Started in 2011, Hope for the Future brings together Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino and other People of Color leaders who are connected to MC USA. The annual event offers attendees the opportunity to gather as a worshipping community of faith for spiritual renewal, resourcing and mutual support. It fosters a safe environment to assess the current realities and experiences of BIPOC leaders within MC USA, emphasizing ways to build solidarity across cultural, racial and intergenerational boundaries for systemic transformation.
MC USA is an Anabaptist Christian denomination, founded in 2002 by the merger of the Mennonite Church and the General Conference Mennonite Church. Members of this historic peace church seek to follow Jesus by rejecting violence and resisting injustice. MC USA’s Renewed Commitments state the following shared commitments among its diverse body of believers: to follow Jesus, witness to God’s peace and experience the transformation of the Holy Spirit. Mennoniteusa.org

Hope for the Future 2024 attendees. Photo by Juan Moya, Anabaptist World. Used with permission.
Written by Camille Dager.
MC USA’s Racial/Ethnic Leadership Program develops leadership and empowers local ministries and leaders. Please prayerfully consider supporting this important ministry.