#BringThePeace is Mennonite Church USA’s call to action for individuals and congregations to extend peace in our communities.
#BringThePeace is also our prayer inviting God to bring the peace that expands our capacity for empathy, compassion and love that actively seeks to dismantle oppression and violence.
- How will you join God’s peace at work in your community?
- Are there people or organizations in our communities who show us what peace looks like?
- Where have you found God’s peace in the work that you’re doing? Where have you struggled with finding God’s peace?

“We are called to extend God’s holistic peace, proclaiming Christ’s redemption for the world with our lives. Through Christ, God frees the world from sin and offers reconciliation. We bear witness to this gift of peace by rejecting violence and resisting injustice in all forms, and in all places,” it says in our Renewed Commitments.
“Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” John 20: 19b