This is the third post in a series featuring reflections from participants at the 2018 Women Doing Theology conference organized by MC USA’s Women in Leadership.
Leslie Hawthorne Klingler is a communications artist integrating writing, graphic design, and photography to promote causes that improve human health and well being, particularly among the disadvantaged. She has a Master of Arts degree in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.
Regina Trespalacios Quijano is from Querétaro, Mexico where she works in art restoration and teaches at the university. She holds a Master of Arts degree. She says her work and her study have helped her grow in her faith through the analysis and interpretation of iconography and other sacred works.
At WDT18, Leslie and Regina presented the workshop “All Generations Will Call her Blessed” where they explored the empowering theological place of Mary, the mother of Jesus and the importance of the Virgen of Guadalupe in the faith and culture of Mexican people.
The following poem about Mary (in both English and Spanish) is the result of contributions of words and phrases from WDT18 participants who attended their workshop, pieced together by Leslie and Regina.
Written by women doing theology together
Dawn of holy light present with us all,
Intersection of heaven and earth, life and light, song and strength,
grief and joy, hope and waiting, Arms wide to hold and draw in,
Mother of strength, mother of sorrow.
Bright heart, fierce from her wounds and her strength,
Created just as we, with purpose. You, I, She, born of one Creator,
Appearing to those who most need her, Ever-present,
Accompanying through joy and pain.
Trampler of the serpent,
This first disciple: mother and refugee, She understands our journey, Revere her,
She is strong, originating in God’s revolution.
Embracing mother, comforting arms, Encouraging exhorter,
Safety, Her community is the Church,
Beloved mother, always there to love, help, and understand,
She who said yes to God’s creative work in her life,
Said yes to joy comingled with sorrow,
Woman of courage.
Arms overflowing, Warm embrace, Companion in grief
Weeping with the mother whose arms are empty, who longs for her child,
Warm, sharp, firm embrace, Bearer of hope who joins us on this journey
Our mother cries out for us.
Escrito por mujeres haciendo teología
Amanecer de luz sagrada que está con todos nosotros.
Intersección entre el cielo y la tierra, vida y luz, canto y fuerza,
dolor y alegría, esperanza y espera.
Brazos abiertos para acoger,
Madre fuerte, Madre melancólica, Corazón resplandeciente,
Resuelta en su dolor y su fuerza.
Creada como nosotros, con propósito,
Tu, yo, ella de un mismo Creador.
Ella aparece a aquellos que la necesitan más,
Siempre presente, Acompañándonos entre la alegría y la pena,
Domina a la serpiente.
La primera discípulo: Madre y refugiada,
Ella entiende nuestro caminar, Venérala, Ella es fuerte,
Manifestación de la revolución de Dios.
Madre acogedora, con brazos reconfortantes,
Anima mientras exhorta, Seguridad,
Su comunidad es la Iglesia.
Querida madre, siempre dispuesta a amar, ayudar y entender,
Ella dijo sí a la obra creativa de Dios en su vida,
Dijo sí al gozo entretejido con el dolor.
Mujer valiente, Brazos desbordados por amor,
Abrazo cariñoso, Compañera en la aflicción.
Llora con la madre cuyos brazos están vacíos, quien añora a su hijo.
Abrazo cálido, nítido y firme, portadora de esperanza,
Nos acompaña en la travesía.
Nuestra madre clama por nosotros.
Find out more about the work of MC USA’s Women in Leadership and contribute towards projects like Women Doing Theology here.