Iris de León-Hartshorn serves as associate executive director of Operations and director of Human Resources for Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). She represents the staff on MC USA’s Leadership Discernment Committee and works to promote anti-racism and intercultural competency by providing leadership for various People of Color organizations, such as MC USA’s Racial Ethnic Council, and by convening leadership gatherings, including Hope for the Future. She previously served as MC USA director of Transformative Peacemaking. During her career, de León-Hartshorn also served as director of intercultural ministries for MC USA, conference minister for MC USA’s Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, director of Peace and Justice Ministries for Mennonite Central Committee and on the executive committee of Mennonite World Conference. De León-Hartshorn was a panelist in the World Council of Churches in Durbin, South Africa, for the UN World Conference Against Racism 2001. She graduated from Eastern Mennonite University with a master’s degree in Conflict Transformation from the Center of Justice and Peacebuilding in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and received the Race, Church and Change award from Luther Seminary in 2015. De León-Hartshorn is a member of Portland Mennonite Church, Portland, Oregon.
Iris de León-Hartshorn
Associate Executive Director for Operations
Portland, Oregon