Anita Hooley Yoder works in campus ministry at Notre Dame College in South Euclid, Ohio. She's a graduate of Goshen College and Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, Indiana. Her most recent... read more →
Jenny Castro is communications associate and coordinator of the Women in Leadership Project for Mennonite Church USA. Who is invited to a Women Doing Theology conference? What does Women Doing... read more →
Hannah Heinzkehr is the Executive Director for The Mennonite, Inc. She lives in Goshen, Indiana, with her husband, Justin, and two kids. In 2014, Gordon Houser, the editor of The... read more →
Rachel Lehman Stoltzfus lives with her spouse Eldon and grandson Khalid in Goshen, Indiana. A member of Waterford Mennonite Church, she has given leadership to Human Resources at Mennonite Mission... read more →
Erica Littlewolf is from the Northern Cheyenne tribe of southeastern Montana and currently lives in Kansas. She works for Mennonite Central Committee Central States with the Indigenous Visioning Circle where... read more →
Jenny Castro is communications associate and coordinator of the Women in Leadership Project for Mennonite Church USA. There was a time in my life where I didn’t recognize that I... read more →
Jenny Castro is communications associate and coordinator of the Women in Leadership Project for Mennonite Church USA. This piece originally appeared in the May issue of The Mennonite for its... read more →
Jenny Castro is a communications associate and the coordinator of the Women in Leadership Project for Mennonite Church USA. This article first appeared in Timbrel magazine, a publication of Mennonite... read more →
Linda Gehman Peachey is a free-lance writer, living in Lancaster Pennsylvania. She has an Master of Divinity degree from AMBS and is currently a Doctor of Ministry student at Lancaster... read more →
Subgroups focusing on mentoring, monologues, empowering resources, undoing sexism [Español] ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA)—Mennonite Church USA’s Women in Leadership Project (WLP), whose goal is to address the systemic obstacles... read more →
By Emily Kraybill Moniqua Acosta works as the Program & Member Services Manager at Mennonite Health Services Alliance in Lancaster, Pa. A graduate of Eastern Mennonite... read more →