Dianne Garcia reflects on what it means to celebrate Lent, even while being oppressed and experiencing injustice, in addition to offering Lenten challenges to those who experience privilege. This post... read more →
This post is part of the MennoCon23 #BeTransformed series. MennoCon23 will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, July 3-6. Jon Carlson is the current moderator-elect for Mennonite Church USA and... read more →
This blog is part of our Special Session of the Delegate Assembly Open Call for Blogs series, which will run throughout May. This blog is the opinion of the author... read more →
This blog is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Mennonite Church USA Executive Board or the other resolution writers. Readers are encouraged... read more →
This blog is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Mennonite Church USA Executive Board or the other resolution writers. Readers are encouraged... read more →
Reconciliation recounted at regional ELCA gathering J. Nelson Kraybill (at right), president of Mennonite World Conference, gives a towel and basin to Bishop Bill Gafkjen of... read more →