Dianne Garcia reflects on what it means to celebrate Lent, even while being oppressed and experiencing injustice, in addition to offering Lenten challenges to those who experience privilege. This post... read more →
This article is part of Mennonite Church USA’s Cost of Poverty: Learn, Pray, Join initiative. Edith Yoder is the CEO of Bridge of Hope National. She is also a member of Frazer... read more →
Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA. It does not happen often, but I am at a loss for words as cities across the United States... read more →
Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA. My 18-year-old son texted me and asked if I had been watching the latest Twitter trend. I told him no,... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — The organizers of Hope for the Future (HFF) have decided not to host an event in 2019. HFF organizers, which include staff from Mennonite Church USA,... read more →
Over the next few months we’ve invited folks from across Mennonite Church USA to reflect on our Journey Forward and consider how they’ve seen Renewed Commitments at work in their lives, their congregation or... read more →