In English. [Nota: Conservando el espíritu de la iniciativa de “Esparcir la amabilidad”, hemos tomado la decisión intencional de mantener en anonimato los nombres de todos/as los/las participantes y beneficiarios/as.] ... read more →
En español. College Mennonite Church received a surprise grant to spread kindness and learned about the needs of their community in return. [Note: In the spirit of the “Spreading Kindness”... read more →
GOSHEN, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.): El Concilio de líderes constituyentes (CLC) de MC USA reflexionó sobre la pregunta: ¿Qué significa hacer iglesia juntos? en su encuentro bianual en... read more →
The MC USA Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) reflected on the question, “What does it mean to do church together?” at its biannual meeting at College Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, on... read more →
(Bridgefolk / Mennonite Church USA)—On May 26–27, a group of Mennonite and Catholic scholars and church leaders will gather at the Benedictine monastery in Collegeville, Minn., to jointly mark the... read more →