This post is part of a #BringthePeace series. #BringthePeace is a call to action for individuals and congregations to extend peace in their communities. It is also our prayer inviting God... read more →
By Kayla Berkey (Mennonite Church USA) — On a sunny day in the Brooklyn, New York neighborhood of Bedford Stuyvesant, families gather at Calvary Fellowship AME Church to make... read more →
By Mennonite Church USA Staff with Michael Martin, director of RAWtools Lord, hear our grief… We pray for the lives lost in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, Dayton, Ohio and... read more →
Colin Miller and Tessa Waidelich, of Central Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio, help rid Camp Ithiel of weeds during a servant project at the 2017 convention... read more →
Joy Yoon and her family have been working and living in North Korea for over a decade. Their work inside began through humanitarian outreach and social entrepreneurship. Today they focus... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Congregations and individuals are invited to engage in a collective day of prayer for North and South Korea on Sunday, May 20, 2018. This “Learn, Pray,... read more →
Anita Hooley Yoder is a 2014 graduate of Bethany Theological Seminary. She is currently working on several writing projects, including Sunday school curriculum for Shine and a history book for Mennonite Women USA. She... read more →
Mennonite Mission Network / Mennonite Church USA New Peace and Justice Support Network coordinating minister announced ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Mission Network/Mennonite Church USA)—Jason Boone, a Raleigh, N.C., resident with extensive... read more →