El 27 de octubre de 2024, Secundino Casas fue ordenado en la Iglesia Menonita Shalom de Tampa, que es parte de la Conferencia Menonita Mosaica en los Estados Unidos. por... read more →
While reflecting on her job description as the conference minister for Mountain States Mennonite Conference, Amy Zimbelman came up with a song about some of her favorite things to answer... read more →
en español By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA presented Tina Schlabach and Abby Endashaw with the 2024 MC USA Bring... read more →
por Adriana Celis ¿Puede un robot llegar a ser pastor? Hemos escuchado que la inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando... read more →
por Javier Márquez César Moya ha sido pastor, maestro, plantador de iglesias, escritor y ha ocupado, durante más de 40 años de... read more →
por Adriana Celis Fotografía por Ana Alicia Hinojosa izquierda Sandra Güete y Byron Pellecer en el centro Eduardo Hinojosa “Lalo “en derecha Vilma Padilla, en la... read more →
Read the English version here. ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — La oficina para la vitalidad de la iglesia de MC USA y Everence han completado su actualización... read more →
Lea la versión en inglés aquí. MC USA’s Church Vitality office and Everence have completed their annual update of the Pastor Salary Guidelines (mennoniteusa.org/pastor-salary-guidelines/) for 2024-2025. “The pastor salary guidelines... read more →
“Well, I guess you’re looking at a miracle today!”: Women’s use of sass to “name and claim” equality
After researching the experiences of women in ministry, Amy Zimbelman shares how women have used sass as a means to deal with inequality in ministry. This blog contains continued findings... read more →
After researching the experiences of women in ministry, Amy Zimbelman argues that the best gift many congregations can give to their pastor this Pastor Appreciation Month is support through a... read more →
La iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. se entristece en comunicar que Patricia Shelley, de 71 años, quien fuera ex pastora, profesora, miembro de la junta ejecutiva de la Iglesia Menonita... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is saddened to announce that Patricia Shelly, 71, who was a former pastor, professor, MC USA Executive Board member and moderator, died Sept. 4, in Newton, Kansas,... read more →
por Luis Marcos Tapia Le invitamos a que se inscriba en este curso que comienza el próximo mes de septiembre, haga clic... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is a former pastor and now serves as the Everence director of stewardship education. For more information on examples of financial policies and practices congregations might consider adopting,... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is a former pastor and now serves as the Everence director of stewardship education. For more information on examples of financial policies and practices congregations might consider adopting,... read more →