A look at how the (Old) Mennonite Church addressed the crisis of decreasing youth involvement with innovative solutions and an emphasis on the value that young ideas offered. This article... read more →
The MC USA Archives is partnering with the Racial Ethnic Council to prioritize BIPOC storytelling. This article was first published in the MC USA Archives News, Vol. 3, Issue 1. [caption... read more →
Eric Massanari shares about Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference's annual Conference Communicator Council meeting, featuring a presentation by MC USA Archives Coordinator Olivia Krall. Eric Massanari serves as the executive conference minister... read more →
Thousands attended, in-person or online, MennoMedia's Anabaptism at 500 celebration at College Mennonite Church, Jan. 21. Updated January 23, 2025. By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA [caption id="attachment_77815" align="aligncenter"... read more →
Olivia Krall, archives coordinator for the MC USA Archives, provides helpful archival tips for those interested in preserving their family history. Olivia Krall is the archives coordinator for MC USA.... read more →
Olivia Krall writes about the MC USA Archives' CPT collection and a new donation of archival materials from a CPT alumnus that tells the story of the 1997 "Rebuilders Against... read more →
Read the English version here. La junta directiva de la Enciclopedia Anabautista Menonita Online (GAMEO por sus siglas en inglés) celebró su reunión anual el 24 de mayo de 2024... read more →
GAMEO board members at the Mennonite Church USA Offices in Elkhart, Indiana. On Screen: Anicka Fast (Mennonite World Conference), Ken Sensenig (Mennonite Central Committee) Standing: Elizabeth... read more →
Olivia Krall writes about the MC USA Archives' MEDA collection and a new donation of archival materials from Dan Sauder, grandson of MEDA founder, Erie Sauder. Olivia Krall is the... read more →
GOSHEN, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.): El Concilio de líderes constituyentes (CLC) de MC USA reflexionó sobre la pregunta: ¿Qué significa hacer iglesia juntos? en su encuentro bianual en... read more →
The MC USA Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) reflected on the question, “What does it mean to do church together?” at its biannual meeting at College Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, on... read more →
La Fundación Schowalter, de North Newton, Kansas, dispuso $10,000 para financiar cuatro pasantías Oscar Murguia, alumno de Goshen y pasante 2024 de los Archivos de MC... read more →
The Schowalter Foundation, North Newton, Kansas, has provided $10,000 to fund up to four semester-long internships at the MC USA Archives and to help digitize fragile resources in 2024. “J.A.... read more →
El personal de la Junta Ejecutiva de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. nombró a Olivia Krall, graduada de Goshen (Indiana) College en 2023,... read more →
Mennonite Church USA Executive Board staff has named 2023 Goshen (Indiana) College graduate Olivia Krall as archives coordinator for the MC USA Archives... read more →