On Oct. 8, 2016 Mennonite Church USA together with MCC Central States hosted a gathering honoring Lawrence and Betty Hart. People were invited to offer reflections, stories or other expressions,... read more →
[English] Estudiantes universitarios menonitas fueron contribuyentes claves en los grupos de trabajo en el encuentro de HFF realizado en enero del 2016 en Hampton, Virginia. (Alrededor... read more →
Mennonite college students were key contributors to work groups at the January 2016 Hope for the Future gathering in Hampton, Virginia. (Around the table, from front... read more →
A group of college students attended Hope for the Future 2015 — the first year that college students were invited to the event, which seeks strategic... read more →
By Meg Short KANSAS CITY, Missouri. (Mennonite Church USA) -- This year’s opening worship, a combined service for youth and adult attendees, focused on drawing all together in Christ. Worshipers... read more →
Roy Williams, a Mennonite Education Agency board member and former Mennonite Church USA moderator; and Madeline Maldonado, associate pastor at Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Arca de Salvación... read more →
By Emily Kraybill Michelle Armster is an associate pastor for community life at Blossom Hill Mennonite Church in Lancaster, Pa., an Atlantic Coast Conference congregation In... read more →