Joanne Gallardo serves Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference as the conference co-minister. She had been in the Mennonite Church for over 22 years. Originally from Northwest Ohio, Joanne lives in Goshen, Indiana,... read more →
Kate Wentland is a hospital chaplain resident in Southern California. Having previously worked for Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference in a peace and justice role, Kate also served with Mennonite Central... read more →
Por Javier Márquez En 1965 estábamos en plena Guerra Fría, Martin Luther King vivía aún, la selección de fútbol brasileña había ganado únicamente dos de sus cinco copas del mundo... read more →
Por Comité Central Menonita Cuando los huracanes Eta e Iota azotaron Choloma, Honduras, en noviembre del 2020, Amadeo Castillo dijo que él... read more →
Por Adriana Celis La iglesia menonita Roca de Esperanza, ubicada en, la ciudad de los vientos, Chicago, ha tenido que mover todos sus servicios de manera presencial a on-line por... read more →
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) has announced the worship speakers, led by Dr. Samuel Sarpiya, for the Special Session of the... read more →
Bonnie Miller is on the board of directors for Anabaptist Disabilities Network. She has worked as an educator for much of her career, including as a public school special education... read more →
Laura Pauls-Thomas (she/her) is a storyteller, advocate and avid bicyclist. She graduated with her B.A. in communication studies and Spanish from Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, in 2017. She... read more →
Katie Graber is an ethnomusicologist who studies race and ethnicity in a variety of contexts, including Mennonite music, American music and European opera. She teaches classes on Western music history and... read more →
Daniel Grimes and his wife, Brenda, are both graduates of Eastern Mennonite University and reside in Goshen, Indiana, where they attend Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship. They are the parents... read more →
By Mennonite Education Agency and Mennonite Church USA staff The Board of Directors of Mennonite Education Agency (MEA) has suspended its six-month search for an executive director to pursue... read more →
Reconciliation recounted at regional ELCA gathering J. Nelson Kraybill (at right), president of Mennonite World Conference, gives a towel and basin to Bishop Bill Gafkjen of... read more →
MennoMedia Radio program features Mennonite guests ‘Shaping Families’ announces schedule for March By Melodie Davis HARRISONBURG, Va.—The Shaping Families radio program that airs in numerous Mennonite communities will focus in... read more →