Beryl Jantzi is a former pastor and now serves as the Everence director of stewardship education. For more information on examples of financial policies and practices congregations might consider adopting,... read more →
Darrin W. Snyder Belousek received a certificate of theological studies from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and is a member of Salem Mennonite Church in Elida, Ohio. _______________________________________________________ Worship is central... read more →
In 2020, the Mennonite Church USA Women in Leadership (WIL) created the Laboring Toward Wholeness curriculum as a training on dismantling patriarchy. Among the WIL writers were Linda Gehman Peachey... read more →
ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is offering free online access to a wide variety of resources from its hybrid MennoCon21 convention. The resources, which... read more →
This blog post is part of Mennonite Church USA’s Welcoming EveryBODY: Learn, Pray, Join initiative. Katie Mansfield facilitates learning about trauma-sensitivity and resilience-building amid conflict, stress and adversity in multiple... read more →
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, signed the following national faith leader’s statement calling on President Biden to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal. As people of faith, we... read more →
Hilarion “Chidi” Ihezuoh is an ordained minister with Mosaic Conference and an associate pastor with Los Angeles Faith Chapel in Los Angeles, California. He just finished his first year as a... read more →
ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) Moderator Linda Dibble, Executive... read more →
This blog is part of our Mennonite World Conference Indonesia 2022 Assembly series. César García has been the general secretary of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) since 2011. He grew up in... read more →
This blog is in celebration of National Camping Month. Cheryl Mast has been the coordinator of outdoor/environmental education at Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Michigan since 2001. In the fall of... read more →
Clayton Gladish (he/him/his) recently joined the pastoral team at Silverwood Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana. Clayton's ministry focuses on preaching and outreach, which helps his church become a community that... read more →
This blog is in celebration of Father's Day, June 19. Steve Thomas, MDiv, is the U.S. coordinator for Mennonite Men. A graduate of Hesston (Kansas) College, Goshen (Indiana) College and... read more →
Gwen Gustafson-Zook is an ordained pastor in MC USA and is currently completing a year-long chaplaincy residency at Portland Providence Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. Thanks to Zoom, she is... read more →
Sarah Augustine is the co-founder of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition, co-host of the Doctrine of Discovery Podcast and a columnist for Anabaptist World. She wrote the book... read more →
This blog is in celebration of Pentecost Sunday, June 5. Charlene Smalls is a co-pastor at Ripple Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She has been married to her husband, Kevin, for... read more →