Fifth annual meeting of leaders... read more →
A group of college students attended Hope for the Future 2015 — the first year that college students were invited to the event, which seeks strategic... read more →
Ann Jacobs is a Church Relations associate with Mennonite Mission Network and one of three leaders of Work in Progress choir. In her role, she furthers relationships with African American... read more →
At a Learning to Undo Racism... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Education Agency)—More than one year ago, Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board appointed a task group to address concerns about the Hopi Mission School (HMS) — a K–8... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—The following first-term nominees for churchwide boards were affirmed July 1 during Mennonite Church USA’s June 30 – July 4, 2015, Delegate Assembly in Kansas City,... read more →
Mauricio Chenlo is denominational minister for church planting, a shared position of Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite Church USA. In October 2014, Pastor Hilaire Louis Jean of Church of God,... read more →
By Janie Beck Kreider (Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Mission Network/Goshen College)—Peace Farm, a new voluntary service program born out of a collaborative effort between Quakers and Mennonites in Bally, Pa., will... read more →
Blurb: A new Sunday... read more →
Dec. 4 webinar panelists will discuss some of the important issues of the conflict Jason Boone is the coordinating minister for the Peace and Justice Support Network, a... read more →
A joint press release of Everence, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Education Agency, and Mennonite Mission Network. DaVonne Harris, left, and Michelle Armster present at the Hope... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—The following first-term nominees for churchwide boards were affirmed during Mennonite Church USA’s July 2–5 Delegate Assembly in Phoenix. All terms are four years in length.... read more →
Area conferences support birth of new faith communities across Mennonite Church USA [Español] By Ryan Miller An online map of new congregations is updated by Mauricio... read more →
Roy Williams, a Mennonite Education Agency board member and former Mennonite Church USA moderator; and Madeline Maldonado, associate pastor at Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Arca de Salvación... read more →
Anabaptist Fellowship of Alamosa (Colo.) is the result of cooperation across Mennonite Church USA. [en español] By Andrew Clouse From left: Nicole Bontrager, a former MVS... read more →