HESSTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network/Mennonite Church USA) – At the recent Constituency Leaders Council meetings, Mennonite Church USA executive director Ervin Stutzman announced that over the past three years a... read more →
ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board (EB) staff announces recent and current staff transitions: André Gingerich Stoner of South Bend, Indiana, resigned from his role as... read more →
Jason Boon is coordinating minster of the Peace and Justice Support Network, a ministry of Mennonite Mission Network. People and congregations who have used the “Returning Veterans, Returning Hope” Curriculum... read more →
Ken Gingerich reflects on letting God use him — “despite some big cracks” — for more than 40 years Ken Gingerich retired from his role as... read more →
ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA) — Registration is open for I’ve got the power! Naming and reclaiming power as a force for good, the second Women Doing Theology conference of... read more →
By Annette Brill Bergstresser ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Mission Network)... read more →
[English] Por Janie Beck Kreider En la reunión de la junta ejecutiva de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. realizada del 2 al 4 de junio... read more →
[Español] By Janie Beck Kreider At the June 2–4 meeting of the Mennonite Church USA Executive Board in Orlando, Florida, are (l. to r.) board members... read more →
By Annette Brill Bergstresser ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Mission Network) — A six-week Sunday school curriculum — Returning Veterans, Returning Hope: Seeking Peace Together — can help small groups... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Mission Network) — Four video profiles of church planters and a series of blogs offer glimpses into creative initiatives highlighted at Sent 2016: A gathering of Mennonites... read more →
La primera cumbre nacional, Enviados 2016, reúne a un grupo diverso de practicantes para darse mutua inspiración y aliento. [English] Por Danielle Klotz Olak Sunuwar, de... read more →
First national church-planting summit, Sent 2016, brings together diverse group of practitioners to encourage and inspire one another. [Español] By Danielle Klotz Olak Sunuwar, from Chicago,... read more →
This is the final post in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →
[English] ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU./Red Menonita de Misión) — Más de 100 plantadores de iglesias, líderes y capacitadores menonitas involucrados en sembrar las semillas del reino de... read more →
La quinta reunión anual de líderes generará políticas abarcadoras Melody Pannell, de Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, fue una de los participantes que asistieron al encuentro... read more →