D.C. event titled ‘Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity’ By Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford ELGIN, Ill., and HARRISONBURG, Va.—The Gather ’Round curriculum project is cosponsoring an innovative conference on “Children,... read more →
MennoMedia Herald Press releases ‘Dive: Devotions for Deeper Living’ By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG, Va., and WATERLOO,... read more →
MennoMedia takes ‘Waging Peace’ on the road By Steve Shenk WATERLOO, Ont.—More than 700 people in nine churches, mosques and other sites in Ontario viewed MennoMedia’s new documentary, Waging Peace:... read more →
‘Resource advocates’ volunteer their time By Michael Spory [caption id="attachment_2878" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The Mennonite Church USA resource advocates, appointed by their area conferences, held their 2012 meeting Feb. 5-8 at... read more →
MennoMedia Christianity no longer dominates Western society Herald Press releases ‘Reading the Bible After Christendom’ By Steve Shenk [caption id="attachment_2537" align="alignright" width="262" caption="Lloyd Pietersen, author of Reading the Bible After... read more →
MennoMedia Former Virginia Conference coordinator joins MennoMedia Carpenter tapped as development director By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG, Va.—Steve Carpenter, former coordinator of Virginia Mennonite Conference,... read more →
MennoMedia Radio program features Mennonite guests ‘Shaping Families’ announces schedule for March By Melodie Davis HARRISONBURG, Va.—The Shaping Families radio program that airs in numerous Mennonite communities will focus in... read more →
MennoMedia British Columbia pastor to edit ‘Rejoice!’ Janzen appointed by MennoMedia and Kindred Productions By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG, Va.,and WATERLOO, Ont.—Jonathan Janzen of Abbotsford,... read more →
Lea este artículo en español: http://mennoniteusa.org/2012/02/13/anabautismo-al-desnudo-en-espanol/ MennoMedia ‘The Naked Anabaptist’ in Spanish Herald Press releases translation of popular 2010 book By Steve Shenk... read more →
MennoMedia MennoMedia’s financial health improving Director reports on finances before and after July 1 merger By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG, Va.—Despite the costs of merging in July and losses on inventory... read more →
MennoMedia How are churches discipling their members? Mennonites are among those being surveyed by Protestant group By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG, Va., and WATERLOO, Ont.—Mennonite congregations are being invited to respond... read more →
MennoMedia MennoMedia releases first catalog 2012 edition lists books, videos, CDs, curriculum and other products By Cynthia Linscheid HARRISONBURG, Va., and WATERLOO, Ont.—The first catalog representing MennoMedia, the newly formed... read more →
MennoMedia Muslim-Christian documentary to be screened in Ontario MennoMedia takes ‘Waging Peace’ on the road in February By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG, Va.,and... read more →
MennoMedia Vocational choices rooted in church community Herald Press releases ‘Go to Church, Change the World’ By Steve Shenk HARRISONBURG,... read more →
MennoMedia Radio program tackles teen drinking and drugs ‘Shaping Families’ announces schedule for February By Melodie Davis HARRISONBURG, Va.—Shaping Families, the 15-minute weekly radio program of MennoMedia, will tackle the... read more →