Steve Bomar began his faith journey as a Nazarene, but upon being exposed to Anabaptist theology, he began to consider if Mennonite Church USA might be the place for him... read more →
In 2018, Ardean Friesen asked his church to begin the process of discerning whether the congregation would become open and affirming. The two-year inclusion process let him know that he... read more →
ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.,) — La Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. (MC USA por sus siglas en inglés) está ayudando a avivar el crecimiento y diversidad con... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is helping to fuel growth and diversity with its 2023 Thrive Church Planting Grants. This year’s repeat award recipients, Brooklyn (New York) Peace Church and Community of... read more →
HARPER, Kansas (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — Los delegados de la Conferencia Menonita South Central (SCMC por sus siglas en inglés) votaron a favor de desafiliarse de la Iglesia... read more →
Reprinted with permission from Virginia Mennonite Conference. Read the original post here. By June Miller of Virginia Mennonite Conference's interim Conference Leadership Team On the final day of the assembly,... read more →
HARPER, Kansas (Mennonite Church USA) — South Central Mennonite Conference delegates voted to withdraw from Mennonite Church USA on July 22, 2023, during a hybrid delegate assembly, which met in... read more →
This post is part of the MennoCon23 #BeTransformed series. MennoCon23 will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, July 3-6. Randy Spaulding is the pastor of Boulder (Colorado) Mennonite Church. He... read more →
By Kayla Berkey for Mennonite Church USA When Seattle Mennonite Church (SMC) purchased a house in what a member of the church property team described as “a pretty undesirable... read more →
Jeryl Hollinger is the pastor of Mountain View Mennonite Church in Kalispell, Montana. He is an avid gardener of onions and anything else that will grow in the short summer... read more →
Clayton Gladish (he/him/his) recently joined the pastoral team at Silverwood Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana. Clayton's ministry focuses on preaching and outreach, which helps his church become a community that... read more →
por Adriana Celis En una decisión salomónica, la Iglesia Menonita USA por medio de sus diferentes delegados, en asamblea especial, votaron... read more →
KANSAS CITY, Misuri (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.)— Los delegados presentes en la sesión especial de la asamblea de delegados de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. (MC USA) llevada... read more →
This blog post was originally published by the Anabaptist Worship Network. Reprinted with permission. This article is part of our series on Voices Together, the new worship and song collection... read more →
KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Mennonite Church USA)— Delegates at Mennonite Church USA’s (MC USA) Special Session of the Delegate Assembly, May 27-30, passed three resolutions that help to remove barriers... read more →