Ana Alicia Hinojosa is from Brownsville, Texas and works for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Central States as Immigration Education Coordinator, where she is committed to the work of educating immigrants... read more →
Rachel Barnes lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband, Chris, and her children, Aidan and Ella. She has been a teacher for 15 years in the Denver metro area. She... read more →
Debbie Reed lives in Denver, Colorado and attends the First Mennonite Church. She retired from teaching in 2012 but continues to substitute teach when she is not playing in the... read more →
John Garland is the part-time pastor of San Antonio (Texas) Mennonite Church, in the heart of the city. His wife is a high school principal just over the river and... read more →
John Garland is the part-time pastor of San Antonio (Texas) Mennonite Church, in the heart of the city. His wife is a high school principal just over the river and... read more →
John Garland is the part-time pastor of San Antonio (Texas) Mennonite Church, in the heart of the city. His wife is a high school principal just over the river and... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA encourages people and congregations to “Learn, Pray, Join” together for immigration justice in August and September. “The Bible is a story of God... read more →
Kim, SeongHan lives in Chuncheon, South Korea, with his wife HaeYoung and two daughters. They attend Jesus Heart Mennonite Church. They were Goshen residence and attended College Mennonite Church while SeongHan was... read more →
Charissa Zehr is legislative associate for International Affairs at the MCC U.S. Washington Office. This article was adapted from a previous article on Third Way Café. Last year I had... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — People across MC USA are invited to learn more about the history of the Korean Peninsula and the dynamics of tension and conflict there by joining... read more →
Karen Spicher shares life together with Peace Building Community in Namyangju, Korea. Karen’s roles include raising three daughters, homeschooling and serving on the admin team for Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding... read more →
Joy Yoon and her family have been working and living in North Korea for over a decade. Their work inside began through humanitarian outreach and social entrepreneurship. Today they focus... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Congregations and individuals are invited to engage in a collective day of prayer for North and South Korea on Sunday, May 20, 2018. This “Learn, Pray,... read more →