Pasadena Mennonite Church helped foster Celeste Sharp's passion for the environment. This interest has led Celeste to pursue an education agroecology, with hopes of providing people with more sustainable food... read more →
Using concepts from the Supernatural television series, Sarah Augustine considers how we can imagine systems for ecological and racial justice that will create a better future for our world, even... read more →
Janet Elaine Guthrie shares about the influences that lead her to engage in the reparative action of donating her portion of the family farm, with the intent toward education and... read more →
Katie Graber, Anneli Loep Thiessen and Sarah Kathleen Johnson share a glimpse into the new resource, Guide to Voices Together Songs and Resources with Connections to Indigenous Communities in Canada... read more →
Sarah Werner, author of "Rooted Faith: Practices for Living Well on a Fragile Planet," gives hope and tangible ideas for how to Christians can live a life that is faithful... read more →
This post is in celebration of Native American Heritage Month, which is celebrated every year in November. Sarah Augustine, who is a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant, is a co- founder and... read more →
Sarah Augustine is the co-founder of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition, co-host of the Doctrine of Discovery Podcast and a columnist for Anabaptist World. She wrote the book... read more →
Katerina Friesen is an organizer with the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition and the pastor of Wild Church in Fresno, California. She is a descendant of German-speaking Russian Mennonite settlers... read more →