Michael Danner discusses the theological rationale for why Mennonite Church USA joined the lawsuit against the federal government. Michael Danner is the associate executive director for Church Vitality in Mennonite... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn shares the theological basis for Mennonite Church USA's recent legal action. Iris de León-Hartshorn serves as associate executive director... read more →
In this Follow Jesus-inspired Epiphany blog, Rachel Ringenberg Miller shares about an anti-immigration flier that was left around her neighborhood and how it reminded her that Jesus, and many of... read more →
en español By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA presented Tina Schlabach and Abby Endashaw with the 2024 MC USA Bring... read more →
This post is part of the MennoCon23 #BeTransformed series. MennoCon23 will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, July 3-6. Dianne Garcia is the pastor of the Iglesia Cristiana Roca de... read more →
This post is part of MC USA's #BeTransformed series. It was originally published in the Central District Conference Connector. Shared with permission. The Sacred Listening Project is an ongoing project ... read more →
This post is part of our Learn, Pray, Join: Mass Incarceration series. This post is a modified version of a post that was originally shared on the Casa Alterna blog.... read more →
Por Adriana Celis Mucho antes que Felipe Merino se convirtiera en un destacado abogado, especializado en derecho penal y migratorio en el... read more →
Por Marco Güete Naún Cerrato, pastor de la Iglesia Menonita Piedra Viva en Elkhart, Indiana, compartió con gran entusiasmo a Adriana Celis y Marco Güete de MenoTicias, el lanzamiento de... read more →
Este artículo es parte de la iniciativa de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. El costo de la pobreza: Aprenda, ore, únase. Lea en inglés aquí. Erick Josue Martinez nació... read more →
This article is part of Mennonite Church USA’s Cost of Poverty: Learn, Pray, Join initiative. Read in Spanish here. Erick Josue Martinez was born in the heart of Los Angeles, California. He... read more →
Esta publicación es parte de la serie MenoTicias: Resilientes e Intrépidas. Por Adriana Celis Dania Hernández podría encontrar su historia en los muchos lugares que ha recorrido. Cuando tenía 20... read more →
This article has been translated from an article first published in Spanish on the MenoTicias page. Read in Spanish here. By Adriana Celis It all started when he was a... read more →
Por Adriana Celis Todo comenzó en sus años de adolecente. Luis Alvarado anhelaba servir en el pastorado desde la capellanía. Decidir en que quería dedicarse no fue sencillo. Hay elecciones... read more →
Esta publicación es parte de la serie MenoTicias: Resilientes e Intrépidas. Publicado por Ministerios Hispanos, en colaboración con la Iglesia Menonita Hispana E.U. _______________ Por Adriana Celis El cabello de... read more →