Conference Minister Amy Zimbelman shares about a transformative weekend, in which Mountain States' congregations welcomed and learned about the conference's newest church plant and its ministry serving immigrants in San... read more →
This blog is in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Andi Santoso is from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. He is an ordained minister of Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia (GKMI), also... read more →
This blog is in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Steve Chun is originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia. He, his wife, Lauren, and their dog, Phineas, currently... read more →
Por Adriana Celis El Libro Mágico de Isabela es el primer libro escrito por el pastor Naún Lucoer Cerrato de la iglesia Menonita Piedra Viva de Elkhart, Indiana. El Libro... read more →
Por Adriana Celis Le invito a que busque un lugar cómodo y lea despacio esta primera parte de la sabrosa crónica sobre el andar de vida del Dr. Felipe Hinojosa.... read more →
English version available here Por el personal de MC USA La Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH), un grupo racial/étnico de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. (MC USA), ha lanzado... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH), a racial/ethnic group of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA), has launched the Grace Fund. This mutual aid... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — In August and September, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is working to focus awareness on the treatment of immigrants through its new “Learn, Pray, Join”... read more →
Ana Alicia Hinojosa is from Brownsville, Texas and works for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Central States as Immigration Education Coordinator, where she is committed to the work of educating immigrants... read more →
At the Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando in July, planners tried something new. Something they called MennoTalks. Not quite TED and not exactly Pecha Kucha, MennoTalks explored a different... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn is director of Transformative Peacemaking for Mennonite Church USA. Mary’s Song of Praise And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my... read more →