Dianne Garcia reflects on what it means to celebrate Lent, even while being oppressed and experiencing injustice, in addition to offering Lenten challenges to those who experience privilege. This post... read more →
In this Follow Jesus-inspired Epiphany blog, Rachel Ringenberg Miller shares about an anti-immigration flier that was left around her neighborhood and how it reminded her that Jesus, and many of... read more →
By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA Left to right, Rose Rivera, vice-president; Rod Roberson, mayor of Elkhart; Naun Cerrato, president; Irma Ramirez, executive director. Photo... read more →
Republished with permission from Leader magazine, a publication of MennoMedia. MennoMedia is the publishing agency of... read more →
Este artículo es parte de la iniciativa de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. El costo de la pobreza: Aprenda, ore, únase. Lea en inglés aquí. Erick Josue Martinez nació... read more →
This article is part of Mennonite Church USA’s Cost of Poverty: Learn, Pray, Join initiative. Read in Spanish here. Erick Josue Martinez was born in the heart of Los Angeles, California. He... read more →