(Mennonite Church USA) — Culture Shock, Mennonite Church USA’s first leadership conference for youth of color, will be held Aug. 26–28 at Calvary Community Church, Hampton, Virginia. “We want to... read more →
Mennonite college students were key contributors to work groups at the January 2016 Hope for the Future gathering in Hampton, Virginia. (Around the table, from front... read more →
This is the final post in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →
This is the fifth in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →
This is the fourth in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →
This is the third in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA. HFF... read more →
This is the second in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA. HFF... read more →
La quinta reunión anual de líderes generará políticas abarcadoras Melody Pannell, de Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, fue una de los participantes que asistieron al encuentro... read more →
This is the first in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →
Fifth annual meeting of leaders... read more →
A group of college students attended Hope for the Future 2015 — the first year that college students were invited to the event, which seeks strategic... read more →
Michelle Armster, directora ejecutiva interina del Comité Central Menonita de Central States, ora por Sue Park-Hur, quien predicó el sermón de cierre del domingo en Esperanza... read more →
[Español] By Wil LaVeist Michelle Armster, the interim executive director of Mennonite Central Committee Central States, prays over Sue Park-Hur, who preached the closing sermon on... read more →
A joint press release of Everence, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Education Agency, and Mennonite Mission Network. DaVonne Harris, left, and Michelle Armster present at the Hope... read more →
Sunoko Lin (izquierda), pastor de la Comunidad Cristiana Maranatha, de Northridge, California, y Marco Güete, de Sarasota, Florida, ministro de la Conferencia Menonita Southeast, conversan durante... read more →