"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened... read more →
Eliza Alemán reflects on her experience at the Hope for the Future conference and the love and comfort she felt while there. Eliza Maribel Alemán Photo... read more →
Thousands attended, in-person or online, MennoMedia's Anabaptism at 500 celebration at College Mennonite Church, Jan. 21. Updated January 23, 2025. By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA [caption id="attachment_77815" align="aligncenter"... read more →
Read the English version here. ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.): Se abrieron las inscripciones para la Conferencia Esperanza para el Futuro de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.... read more →
Lea la versión en espanol aquí. Registration is open for MC USA’s Hope for the Future conference, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2025, at Goshen (Indiana) College. This year’s unique event will... read more →
Marisol Cardona es una mujer menonita yuna mujer latinoamericana que, con su historia de fe, coraje y servicio, inspira a quienes la rodean. por Adriana Celis ... read more →
Historian Troy Osborne shares several principles that he followed when he created the new survey of the Anabaptist story from Herald Press. Troy Osborne is a historian at Conrad Grebel... read more →
Read the English version here. ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — La oficina de Vitalidad de la Iglesia de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. (MC USA por... read more →
By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA Lea la versión en inglés aquí. ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA) — The Mennonite Church USA Church Vitality office encourages college students and... read more →
After years of avoiding pastoral ministry, Jen Shenk felt a calling that she needed to say "yes" to. Her position as campus pastor officially began on Aug. 1, 2023, after... read more →
por Saulo Padilla En 2015, durante la Convención de la Iglesia Menonita USA en Kansas City, Missouri, se propuso la resolución “Buscando la... read more →
por Adriana Celis Charles Dickens una vez escribió algunas cosas nunca mueren, y estas son [1]“la pureza, el brillo, la belleza que mueve... read more →
GOSHEN, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.): El Concilio de líderes constituyentes (CLC) de MC USA reflexionó sobre la pregunta: ¿Qué significa hacer iglesia juntos? en su encuentro bianual en... read more →
The MC USA Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) reflected on the question, “What does it mean to do church together?” at its biannual meeting at College Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, on... read more →
La Fundación Schowalter, de North Newton, Kansas, dispuso $10,000 para financiar cuatro pasantías Oscar Murguia, alumno de Goshen y pasante 2024 de los Archivos de MC... read more →