Dr. Lesley F. McClendon presented this devotional at the MC USA Executive Board meeting last weekend. She reflects on what reimagining the church means and how we can stay true... read more →
Energized by a Super Bowl commercial, Executive Director Glen Guyton calls MC USA to reclaim foot washing as a tangible expression of our Anabaptist faith. Glen... read more →
In celebration of the 499th birthday of Anabaptism, John Roth reports on development of the Anabaptist Community Bible, which is slated to be ready for readers on the 500th birthday... read more →
Rachel Ringenberg Miller reflects on the Advent season as separate from Christmas, identifying it as a time for actively waiting, together. Rachel Ringenberg Miller serves as denominational minister for ministerial... read more →
CLEVELAND, Ohio (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — La junta ejecutiva de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. fortaleció relaciones claves y conversó sobre estrategias creativas para la convención y... read more →
MC USA Executive Board members in Cleveland, Ohio, October 19, 2023. (Front row, left to right) Marty Lehman, Linda Dibble, Margie Mejia-Caraballo, Susan Hart (Second... read more →
Mennonite Church USA Executive Director Glen Guyton used a... read more →
This post is part of Mennonite Church USA' Follow Jesus series. Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA. He is the first person of color to serve... read more →
This post is part of a blog series on racial justice where writers reflect on what it means to do anti-racism work in their context. Michael Danner is the associate... read more →
Hugh Hollowell Jr. is the community pastor at Open Door Mennonite Church in Jackson, Mississippi, where he lives with his wife Renee and two foster children. I grew up... read more →
J. Denny Weaver is professor emeritus of Religion of Bluffton (Ohio) University where he taught in the Religion Department for thirty-one years. His recent publications are God without Violence, second... read more →
Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA. Warning: If you are not a fan of Star Trek or classic literature, this post may confound you. Ever wonder... read more →