In English ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.): La junta ejecutiva de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. (MC USA por sus siglas en inglés) afirmó de manera unánime... read more →
En español The MC USA Executive Board unanimously affirmed the Leadership Discernment Committee’s nomination of Todd Lehman of Hesston, Kansas, as moderator-elect for the... read more →
Mennonite Church USA Executive Board staff has named 2023 Goshen (Indiana) College graduate Olivia Krall as archives coordinator for the MC USA Archives... read more →
By Kayla Berkey The road to healing (Mennonite Church USA) — In late 2016, Ohio Mennonite Conference Regional Pastor Cliff Brubaker decided to hit the road. His plan was to... read more →
Alyssa Rodriguez attends First Mennonite Church in Iowa City, Iowa, and works as a free health clinic coordinator, serving uninsured and under-insured populations while also learning the ins and outs... read more →
[Español] By Wil LaVeist (Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite Church USA)—Church life became too comfortable for Judy and Steve Harder.... read more →