Matt Prichard shares his view that "to revitalize the church and effectively address global issues, Mennonite communities must focus on three key areas: deep community engagement, revitalized peacemaking and radical... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn shares the theological basis for Mennonite Church USA's recent legal action. Iris de León-Hartshorn serves as associate executive director... read more →
Spiritual director Sherah-Leigh Gerber reflects on how Jacob's time wrestling with God in Genesis reminds her of staying present in discomfort. Sherah-Leigh Gerber is an ordained minister in MC USA,... read more →
Spiritual director Sherill Hostetter has been diagnosed with a rare and incurable disorder, and she shares how she has developed resiliency in the face of her diagnosis and health challenges.... read more →
Steve Bomar began his faith journey as a Nazarene, but upon being exposed to Anabaptist theology, he began to consider if Mennonite Church USA might be the place for him... read more →
Escrito por Jessica Griggs para la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. In English. La Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU: da la bienvenida a Leah Hoffner como asistente ejecutiva de la... read more →
Leah Hoffner began working as the Mennonite Church USA executive assistant earlier this month. By Jessica Griggs for Mennonite Church USA En español. ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite... read more →
MC USA's Camille Dager shares highlights from "My Life Story," the autobiography of James Liu. The memoir is part of the MC USA Historical Archives' Mennonite World Conference collection. By... read more →
In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Martin Gunawan shares about his cultural heritage through his childhood in Indonesia and adult life in the United States. This... read more →
Brenda L. Yoder has found that the uncomplicated life of living in a rural Amish/Mennonite community has appeal for many people, due to the slower lifestyle and values that come... read more →
Despite feeling some discomfort with the Letter to the Hebrews and the idea of writing a commentary, Debra Bucher just released her Believers Church Bible Commentary on Hebrews. She shares... read more →
Sarah Augustine recounts a moment early in her time on the Yakama Indian Reservation, when she realized that children have an important place among the tribal community, not segregated from... read more →
After years of avoiding pastoral ministry, Jen Shenk felt a calling that she needed to say "yes" to. Her position as campus pastor officially began on Aug. 1, 2023, after... read more →
Jenna Liechty Martin identifies what makes camp such a special place for faith formation. This post is part of Mennonite Church USA’ Follow Jesus series, which highlights how individuals, congregations, conferences and... read more →
Having grown up in Texas, Hannah Koester felt distant from China — her birth country — and her cultural heritage. Her Mennonite faith has helped her feel safe to explore... read more →