Terry Shue is director of Leadership Development for Mennonite Church USA. Every once in a while opportunities arise which we would do well to take advantage of. Such is the... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is the director of Stewardship Education for Everence. The FAQs for this article are adapted from, "Stewardship for Vital Congregations" by Anthony Robinson, The Pilgrim Press, 2011. Across... read more →
This is the first in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is the director of Stewardship Education for Everence. People attend church less regularly than they used to. I hear from pastors how church membership may be growing but... read more →
A group of college students attended Hope for the Future 2015 — the first year that college students were invited to the event, which seeks strategic... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is the director of Stewardship Education for Everence. This is the fourth in a series of posts based on the book Contagious Generosity by Chris Willard and Jim Sheppard.... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is the director of Stewardship Education for Everence. This is the third in a series of posts based on the book Contagious Generosity by Chris Willard and Jim Sheppard.... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is the director of stewardship education for Everence. This is the second in a series of posts based on the book Contagious Generosity by Chris Willard and Jim... read more →
Board affirms 2014 decision that congregations leaving the denomination can stay on the plan ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA)—In May, when Vern Rempel ended a long-term pastoral assignment to found... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is the director of stewardship education for Everence. “Money is the most measurable aspect of faith,” according to Chris Willard and Jim Sheppard in their new book, “Contagious... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—The following first-term nominees for churchwide boards were affirmed July 1 during Mennonite Church USA’s June 30 – July 4, 2015, Delegate Assembly in Kansas City,... read more →
Beryl Jantzi is Stewardship Education Director for Everence. Over the last few months, Beryl has been exploring our historic roots and current commitment to mutual aid as Christians using “Meditations on Christian Mutual Aid”... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA)—The Corinthian Plan (TCP) has hired James Miller of Sarasota, Fla., as area representative for eight Mennonite Church USA area conferences on... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—Congregational participation in The Corinthian Plan (TCP), a Mennonite Church USA-sponsored health coverage and benefits program based on mutual care practices, continues to be stable as... read more →
A joint press release of Everence, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Education Agency, and Mennonite Mission Network. DaVonne Harris, left, and Michelle Armster present at the Hope... read more →