Eric Massanari shares about Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference's annual Conference Communicator Council meeting, featuring a presentation by MC USA Archives Coordinator Olivia Krall. Eric Massanari serves as the executive conference minister... read more →
In this Advent prayer, Eric Massanari bids Emmanuel to come and bring his peace and love and inspire renewed faith. Eric Massanari serves as the executive conference minister for the... read more →
En este poema pascual, Eric Massanari utiliza alusiones bíblicas para saludar al resucitado. Este poema se publicó originalmente en el boletín de la Conferencia Menonita del Noroeste del Pacífico del... read more →
In this Easter poem, Eric Massanari uses biblical allusions to greet the risen one. This poem was originally published in the April 17, 2023 Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference bulletin. Reposted... read more →
Eric Massanari reflexiona sobre su tiempo en el retiro para ministros de conferencia 2023 en Banff, Alberta, Canadá, donde aprendió sobre cómo se nutren los líderes de ministerio saludables. Eric... read more →
Eric Massanari reflects on his time at the 2023 conference ministers retreat in Banff, Alberta, Canada, learning about what nurtures healthy ministry leaders. Eric Massanari serves as the executive conference minister... read more →
Eric Massanari serves as the executive conference minister for the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference of Mennonite Church USA. He is also a trained spiritual director and is currently serving as... read more →
Eric Massanari is chaplain at Kidron Bethel Village in North Newton, Kansas. Eric is a member of the Mennonite Spiritual Directors Network. Here is a story from the fourth century... read more →