In a world that demands constant labor and productivity, what if rest was not just a necessity, but an act of defiance? Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) invites women from... read more →
Register now for Cost of War webinar By MC USA staff “We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society. When machines and... read more →
By Zachary Headings, Mennonite Mission Network Refusing to fight in the wars of nations and provinces has long been a part of Anabaptist peace witness. But in our... read more →
By Kayla Berkey (Mennonite Church... read more →
Charissa Zehr, legislative associate for international affairs with the MCC U.S. Washington Office, and Jonathan Brenneman, coordinator of Israel/Palestine Partners in Peacemaking for Mennonite Church USA,... read more →
ORLANDO, Florida (Mennonite Church USA) — Filled with conversation, music, laughter, “audacious visions” and Mennonite “quirks,” the second day of the Future Church Summit at the Mennonite Church USA convention... read more →
Cyneatha Millsaps is the pastor of Community Mennonite Church in Markham, Illinois, a south suburb of Chicago. Pastor Cyneatha is married to her husband Steven. She is a 2008 graduate... read more →
(Versión en español) By Andrew Clouse Participants in the March 2012 urban ministry consultation in San Antonio, Texas. Front, from left: Bishop Leslie Francisco III, pastor... read more →