Rachelle Luitjens serves as pastor at Sugar Creek Mennonite Church in Wayland, Iowa. She is at MennoCon19 with her youth group and family. Rachelle loves hanging out with the youth,... read more →
By MC USA staff with reporting... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Two special offerings at MennoCon19 will go towards peace church planting within Mennonite Church USA and the Peace Academic Center (formally the Hopi Mission School). These... read more →
John Bromels is a freelance writer, gamester, puzzle creator, improviser and all-around purveyor of foolishness. He is a freelance contractor with The Motley Fool, covering industrials and oil and gas... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — MC USA is offering a new opportunity this year to arrive at convention in Kansas City, Missouri, slightly early and choose from several valuable pre-convention training... read more →
Heidi Regier Kreider has served as conference minister for Western District Conference since 2015 and enjoys the opportunity this gives her to travel from her home in North Newton, Kansas,... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — The Gathering Place, a virtual space where Anabaptist faith formation leaders can gather, learn, share and grow, is getting a new start with new resources and... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — “MennoCon19 is shaping up to be an exciting event!” said Scott Hartman, director of Event Planning for MC USA. The 2019 Mennonite Convention, referred to as... read more →
Shannon W. Dycus is co-pastor at First Mennonite Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, where she leads missional and faith formation ministries for the congregation. She is active with Faith in Indiana,... read more →
Shana Peachey Boshart is denominational minister of Faith Formation for Mennonite Church USA. Hi everyone! I recently started in the role of faith formation minister for Mennonite Church USA. I’d... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Convention planners are seeking proposals for Equipping Seminars at MennoCon19, the MC USA biennial convention that will take place in Kansas City, Missouri on July 2-6,... read more →
Yvonne Diaz is a member of Mennonite Church USA Executive Board. This post originally appeared on TheMennonite.org as part of its Seven Questions series. Seven question interviews are compiled by... read more →
Tim Blaum lives in Goshen, Indiana and is technical director at River Oaks Community Church. He is a 2010 graduate of Goshen College and is serving as technical director for... read more →
Jim Caskey is a member of Mennonite Church USA Executive Board. This post originally appeared on TheMennonite.org as part of its Seven Questions series. Seven question interviews are compiled by... read more →
The Future Church Summit will take place July 6-8, at the Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando. It will be a generative, open space for denomination-wide conversation — to dream... read more →