en inglés / English Por el personal de Comunicaciones de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU., con reportajes de Gordon Houser, de The Mennonite Participantes del CLC debaten... read more →
en español By MC USA Communications staff with reporting from Gordon Houser of The Mennonite CLC participants discuss in table groups at Hesston Mennonite Church. Photo... read more →
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHBjEtD1xPkN8UX1lDEZlPAvNUE4kq8wO (Mennonite Church USA) — People across Mennonite Church USA are invited to take a closer look at the denomination’s structure and healthy ways of functioning with a newly... read more →
By The Mennonite, Mennonite World Review and Mennonite Church USA The board of directors of The Mennonite, Inc. (TMI), decided Nov. 13 to withdraw from exploring a merger with Mennonite... read more →
The Constituency Leaders Council meeting in Elk Grove, Illinois, included an evening of games styled after “Minute to Win It,” where teams worked together to quickly... read more →
Glen Guyton is executive director of Mennonite Church USA. As a child I was a geek, a nerd, and proud of it. In the 80s my step team and I... read more →
Iris de León-Hartshorn is associate executive director of Mennonite Church USA. This post is adapted from a presentation Iris gave at the April meeting of the Constituency Leaders Council (CLC).... read more →
LANSDALE, Pennsylvania (Mennonite Church USA) — At a recent joint meeting of the MC USA Executive Board and Constituency Leaders Council on April 12-14, attendees got a sneak peek at... read more →
Members of the Executive Board and Constituency Leaders Council talk in By MC USA Communications staff, with Sheldon C. Good of The Mennonite and Paul Schrag... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Members of Mennonite Church (MC) USA Executive... read more →
Ervin Stutzman will end his term as executive director of Mennonite Church USA on April 30. Sometimes I ask myself, was it “worth it” for me to give such a... read more →
en español (Mennonite Church USA) – The MC USA Executive Board (EB) announced that Glen Guyton will serve as the new executive director of MC USA. He will begin a three-year... read more →
This report initially appeared in The Mennonite. By Hannah Heinzekehr The Journey continues. Three weeks after Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board (EB) approved plans to implement the Journey Forward, a two-year process building on the... read more →
Por Hannah Heinzekehr CIUDAD DE KANSAS, Misuri (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — En su penúltimo encuentro del bienio, los miembros de la junta ejecutiva (JE) dispusieron de un tiempo... read more →
The Future Church Summit (FCS) will take place July 6-8, at the Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando. It will be a generative, open space for denomination-wide conversation — to... read more →