Madalyn Metzger is the Vice President of Marketing for Everence, a member of the MennoCon19 worship planning team, and will serve as a worship leader in Kansas City. She is a... read more →
Zachary Martinez is the pastor of Sojourn Mennonite Church in Fort Collins and Greeley, Colorado. He lives with his family in Greeley, where he likes to garden, ride his bike... read more →
Over the next few months we’ve invited folks from across Mennonite Church USA to reflect on our Journey Forward and consider how they’ve seen Renewed Commitments at work in their lives, their congregation or... read more →
The Future Church Summit (FCS) will take place July 6-8, at the Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando. It will be a generative, open space for denomination-wide conversation — to... read more →
Linda Gehman Peachey is a freelance writer living in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and is currently a Doctor of Ministry... read more →