In English. [Nota: Conservando el espíritu de la iniciativa de “Esparcir la amabilidad”, hemos tomado la decisión intencional de mantener en anonimato los nombres de todos/as los/las participantes y beneficiarios/as.] ... read more →
En español. College Mennonite Church received a surprise grant to spread kindness and learned about the needs of their community in return. [Note: In the spirit of the “Spreading Kindness”... read more →
Karla Stoltzfus Detweiler kicks off the Learn, Pray, Join: Undoing Patriarchy series by sharing this prayer to Mother God from her daughters. This blog is part of the ongoing Learn,... read more →
In English Iris de León-Hartshorn ejerce como directora ejecutiva asociada de operaciones y directora de recursos humanos para la Iglesia Menonita de EE.UU. (MC USA por sus siglas en inglés).... read more →
Michael Danner discusses the theological rationale for why Mennonite Church USA joined the lawsuit against the federal government. Michael Danner is the associate executive director for Church Vitality in Mennonite... read more →
Abby Endashaw shares how our uncertainty because of the many fears we face today can be quelled by offering ourselves... read more →
Matt Prichard shares his view that "to revitalize the church and effectively address global issues, Mennonite communities must focus on three key areas: deep community engagement, revitalized peacemaking and radical... read more →
En español Iris de León-Hartshorn shares the theological basis for Mennonite Church USA's recent legal action. Iris de León-Hartshorn serves as associate... read more →
Steve Bomar began his faith journey as a Nazarene, but upon being exposed to Anabaptist theology, he began to consider if Mennonite Church USA might be the place for him... read more →
Pastor Katerina Gea shared this prayer at a lament service for Pasadena Mennonite Church, which was held off-site, due to the wildfires. Many members of the church have been forced... read more →
Pastor Katerina Gea shares about the Community Care and Trauma Healing gatherings her church has been hosting to support Palestinian solidarity. Katerina Gea is the pastor of Pasadena Mennonite Church... read more →
Lynette McIntosh-Madrigal shares how she has experienced conflict transformation among inner-city youth in Fresno, California. This blog is part of the ongoing Learn, Pray, Join: Climate Justice: Conflict Transformation series. ... read more →
Rev. Dr. Jacob Cook challenges church communities to accept conflict as an everyday part of living in community with other imperfect people and use it as a constructive force. This... read more →
Susan Kragt grew up in the Reformed Church of America, but found herself co-leading a small house church that had Anabaptist leanings, which lead her and her church on a... read more →
Doug Luginbill participated in Mennonite Action's All God’s Children March for a Ceasefire in July. He reflects on journey. Doug Luginbill is a member of First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, Ohio,... read more →