Camille Dager, Chief Communication Officer for MC USA, shares about the National Day of Mourning, also known as Unthanksgiving Day. Camille Dager is the Chief Communication Officer for MC USA.... read more →
(From left to right) Pastor Susan Hart, Koinonia Indian Mennonite Church, Okla.; Elder Margaret Behan, Koinonia Mennonite Church, Okla.; Dr. Richard Littlebear, Mont.; Lay Leader John... read more →
Katie Graber, Anneli Loep Thiessen and Sarah Kathleen Johnson share a glimpse into the new resource, Guide to Voices Together Songs and Resources with Connections to Indigenous Communities in Canada... read more →
This article is part of our series on Voices Together, a new worship and song collection coming fall 2020 from MennoMedia, in partnership with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.... read more →