This blog is in celebration of Mother's Day. Jessica Griggs is a freelance copyeditor and copywriter for the Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and Mennonite Mission Network. She holds both... read more →
Rod Hollinger-Janzen is the administrative assistant for the church vitality department of Mennonite Church USA. He is a member of Waterford Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana, and participates in the... read more →
Carolyn E. Yoder is a psychotherapist in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where she is a member of Community Mennonite Church. She is the founding director of Eastern Mennonite University’s Strategies for Trauma... read more →
This blog is part of our Special Session of the Delegate Assembly Open Call for Blogs series, which will run throughout May. This blog is the opinion of the author... read more →
This blog is in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you, teachers! Andrea Schrock Wenger has been an administrator and storyteller on behalf of Mennonite-affiliated organizations for more than 30... read more →
This blog is in commemoration of the 1992 L.A. Riots/Uprising, which occurred 30 years ago today. To view pictures taken during the events described below, view Praise, pilgrimage, potluck, plant... read more →
This article is part of our series on Voices Together, the new worship and song collection from MennoMedia, in partnership with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada. Katie Graber is... read more →
Harold A. (“H.A.”) Penner is a native of Beatrice, Nebraska, and currently resides in Akron, Pennsylvania, where he is a member of the Akron Mennonite Church. He has been war... read more →
This blog is in celebration of Earth Day, April 22, and has been reprinted from the Mennonite Creation Care Network website with permission. The produce in... read more →
Joanne Gallardo serves Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference as the conference co-minister. She had been in the Mennonite Church for over 22 years. Originally from Northwest Ohio, Joanne lives in Goshen, Indiana,... read more →
Kate Wentland is a hospital chaplain resident in Southern California. Having previously worked for Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference in a peace and justice role, Kate also served with Mennonite Central... read more →
Por Javier Márquez En 1965 estábamos en plena Guerra Fría, Martin Luther King vivía aún, la selección de fútbol brasileña había ganado únicamente dos de sus cinco copas del mundo... read more →
Por Comité Central Menonita Cuando los huracanes Eta e Iota azotaron Choloma, Honduras, en noviembre del 2020, Amadeo Castillo dijo que él... read more →
Por Adriana Celis En el próximo episodio de Un momento de Anabautismo, Javier, nuestro host, tuvo la oportunidad de conversar con Marcos... read more →
Por Adriana Celis La iglesia menonita Roca de Esperanza, ubicada en, la ciudad de los vientos, Chicago, ha tenido que mover todos sus servicios de manera presencial a on-line por... read more →