Keeping Your Congregation Safe: Immigration Resources and Advocacy

Rev. Iris de León-Hartshorn, MC USA associate executive director of Operations
Rev. Iris de León-Hartshorn, MC USA associate executive director of Operations
I keep getting asked, how do I keep my congregation safe? Sadly, there is no 100% way to keep your congregation safe. The best way to keep your congregations as protected as possible is to work with your local immigration organizations. They would have the best on-the-ground read of your context. Each jurisdiction, county and city/town enforces laws differently. Your congregation’s location makes a difference on how you should respond. At the national level, MC USA can’t know each context. This is an opportunity to engage with groups in your community. Always err on the side of safety.
- MC USA Churchwide Statement on Immigration (2014 Revision of 2003 Statement)
MC USA webinar recording
- Following Jesus during Challenging Times: What does it mean to provide sanctuary to undocumented people? View it in English or Spanish
Mennonite Central Committee webinar recording
- Invitation to hospitality and solidarity with immigrant communities. View it here.
Below are links to immigration advocacy resources and organizations
What to Do if ICE Comes to Your Church | Sojourners (article with links)
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
- Red Cards (print your own in 19 languages)
- Legal services directory (free or low cost)
Mennonite Central Committee: Support immigrant neighbors
National Immigrant Justice Center | en español
U.S. Department of Justice – Executive Office for Immigration Review
Video Series:
- When ICE is Outside Our Doors
- Inside Our Homes
- In Our Communities, In Our Streets
- If ICE Arrests Us
- When Documenting ICE Arrests
For Allies
Central District Conference
MCC Immigration law training | Akron, Pennsylvania | April 28-May 2, 2025 | There is a registration fee.
Mosaic Mennonite Conference Resources
- Know your rights training (sample outline for localized training program)
- Mustard Seed House: What to consider before hosting immigrants in your home or meeting house
Witness Media Lab: How to document ICE – Online toolkit at link that includes:
- Video in English and en español
- Downloadable tip sheets in English, Spanish, Arabic, Haitian Creole, French, Urdu