We're grateful for how the Spirit moved powerfully among us! Engage with the work of the conference through videos, written reflections, worship resources, papers and more! Videos Stay tuned for more videos to be uploaded... read more →
The purpose of this resource is to help congregations understand the issue of immigration within the United States and how we can respond as followers of Jesus. Our hope... read more →
[Español] Immigration. The word is tossed around and debated in our media, government, classrooms, and churches. These conversations are often loaded with emotion and opinions. What are the basic facts about U.S.... read more →
Six-week core curriculum [Español] Download the Radical Hospitality Bible Study Guide. También disponible en español: Hospitalidad radical: Responder al tema de la inmigración (Una guía de estudios bíblicos) When you have... read more →
Intended for those interested in healing historical wounds of racism, stolen land, and cultural exploitation. Essays on land use, creation, history, and faith along with reflections across ethnic and religious... read more →
Adopted by delegates on July 5, 2013 Introduction: The purpose of this resolution, submitted to Mennonite Church USA, is to advance the commitment of congregations... read more →
Whereas: 1. In July of 2005, the Mennonite Church USA delegates approved Healthcare Access Statement: Our Theology, which states that "Because the scriptural test of a just nation... read more →