Purpose is to listen to congregations most impacted by the convention location (This piece was originally released by Franconia Mennonite Conference and is shared by permission of the conference.) By... read more →
Laura Glass-Hess grew up all over the place and currently lives in Phoenix, Ariz., where she is a member of Trinity Mennonite Church. She works as... read more →
Marco Saavedra (at right) at the annual DREAM Act Graduation in Washington, D.C., with Alejandra Tellez, mother of Julio Tellez, whose deportation was stopped through community... read more →
By Joanna Shenk ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—Rick Derksen of Seattle, Wash.,... read more →
By Annette Brill Bergstresser ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—A Resolutions Committee has been discerning resolutions to be brought to delegates at the biennial delegate assembly to be held as part... read more →
Immigrant delegation to Washington, D.C., and 40 Days of Scripture and Prayer are other initiatives [Español] By Joanna Shenk ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—As members of Mennonite Church USA prepare... read more →
Ministries range from transitional homes to a retirement community to programs supporting youth [Español] By Hilary J. Scarsella ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—Mennonites preparing to gather July 1–6 in Phoenix... read more →
By Stuart Showalter (Mennonite Health Services Alliance)—Mennonite Health Services (MHS) Alliance and its direct forbearers have been a part of the Mennonite family for a long time. During the Mennonite... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—In the days leading up to Mennonite Church USA’s next biennial convention, to be held July 1–6, 2013, in Phoenix, Ariz., the Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—At the Mennonite Church USA Executive Board’s April 4–6, 2013, meeting in Kansas City, Mo., board members approved the March 2013 action of the Church Extension... read more →
Mission to be strengthened and expanded in new way GOSHEN, Ind. (Everence / Mennonite Church USA)—At their March 14, 2013, meeting, the Church Extension Services board of directors approved the... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA)—Area Conference Resource Advocates joined the Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) on the morning of March 11 for worship and reporting during the CLC’s spring meeting, held March 11–13 at... read more →
Richard Thomas, moderator of Mennonite Church USA, and Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, sent the following letter to Pope Francis on March 21. César García, general secretary... read more →
Mennonite Church USA This is the second of a Bible study series by different authors on the key Scripture texts for Mennonite Church USA’s next biennial convention, to be held... read more →
Congregations wrestle with questions of conscience in response to immigration issues [Español] By Hilary J. Scarsella ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—As congregations across Mennonite Church USA engage immigration issues and... read more →