Mennonite Church USA youth ministry leaders are planning a gathering for youth ministry workers across the church. Youth pastors, youth sponsors and other Mennonites connected to youth ministry are invited... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—The following first-term nominees for churchwide boards were affirmed during Mennonite Church USA’s July 2–5 Delegate Assembly in Phoenix. All terms are four years in length.... read more →
Editor’s note: The joint publication of Ervin Stutzman's blog on the denominational response to John Howard Yoder's legacy of harmful behavior and the following piece may feel awkward, but the... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Mission Network/Mennonite Church USA)—Sept. 22 has been designated as Peace Sunday by Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite World Conference. It is the Sunday closest to the United... read more →
In a recent article for Equipping, I announced that Sara Wenger Shenk and I are proposing a... read more →
From Elizabeth Soto Albrecht, moderator, and Ervin Stutzman, executive director Mennonite Church USA [Español] [Note added on July 22: We appreciate that many people wrote to share their perspectives in... read more →
Over the next few days youth groups from all across the country will be converging on Phoenix, AZ for the 2013 Mennonite Convention! Please pray for all the pastors, sponsors,... read more →
ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—Leaders from various Anabaptist fellowships, the global Mennonite church family and the broader body of Christ will be visiting Mennonite Church USA’s July 1–6 denominational convention... read more →
Area conferences support birth of new faith communities across Mennonite Church USA [Español] By Ryan Miller An online map of new congregations is updated by Mauricio... read more →
[Español] By Johnny Kauffman and Annette Brill Bergstresser ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—In addition to traditional convention activities such as worship, seminars and fellowship, Mennonite Church USA’s July 1–6 convention... read more →
New features include Bible studies and book recommendations By Hilary J. Scarsella ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)— A collection of 117 Bible studies written by college students for use by... read more →
Subgroups focusing on mentoring, monologues, empowering resources, undoing sexism [Español] ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Church USA)—Mennonite Church USA’s Women in Leadership Project (WLP), whose goal is to address the systemic obstacles... read more →
Effort co-sponsored by Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Central Committee [Spanish] By Annette Brill Bergstresser Jaime Lázaro, journalist and pastor at Iglesia El Centro, Colorado Springs,... read more →
It’s almost time for the exciting start to Mennonite Church USA’s 2013 convention in Phoenix, Ariz. Only 31 days remain before Mennonites from across the country (and around the globe) gather... read more →
May 3–4 event designed for those not going to Phoenix 2013, draws 120 participants Three Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH) leaders hold quilt squares created for display... read more →