[Español] KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Mennonite Church USA)—Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board (EB) met Sept. 25–27 in Kansas City, Mo., focusing on questions of denominational structure, data from a survey of... read more →
A joint press release of Everence, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Education Agency, and Mennonite Mission Network. DaVonne Harris, left, and Michelle Armster present at the Hope... read more →
By Jenn Carreto (Mennonite Church USA/Mennonite Central Committee East Coast)—Urban leaders and ministry experts will meet in Philadelphia Oct. 2-4, 2014, for the Urban Anabaptist Ministry Symposium. Beyond Ideas: Practical... read more →
Cassopolis, Mich. (Camp Friedenswald)—Central District Conference invites women of all races and faith expressions to their annual women’s retreat at Camp Friedenswald, Cassopolis, Mich., Sept. 12–14, 2014. “Black Mennonite Women... read more →
GOSHEN, Ind. (Goshen College/Mennonite Church USA)—An online digital library containing nearly 250 unpublished, informally published and popular works by theologian John Howard Yoder is now available for scholars and students... read more →
[Español] SCHILLER PARK, Ill. (Mennonite Church USA)—All 18 members of the Executive Board (EB) of Mennonite Church USA met June 26–28 at the Four Points Sheraton O’Hare in Schiller Park,... read more →
By Mennonite Church USA Communications Team We are pleased to announce that a new Mennonite Church USA website will be launched over the weekend of July 5–6! We've designed... read more →
The Discernment Group, convened by Mennonite Church USA to address issues related to sexual abuse, has been working hard on multiple fronts. The group met on June 3 in Elkhart,... read more →
Project to build on her contributions ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—Hilary J. Scarsella, co-coordinator of Mennonite Church USA’s Women in Leadership Project (WLP), ended her service as an Executive Board... read more →
By Annette Brill Bergstresser ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA/Everence)—The Church Benefits Board that oversees The Corinthian Plan met at the end of March. According to Keith Harder, outgoing director, and... read more →
Church benefits plan continues to be stable in its fourth year By Annette Brill Bergstresser ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA/Everence)—Keith... read more →
Responsibilities reallocated among EB staff members; Randall Miller hired ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Church USA)—After almost 10 years of service, Marty Lehman of Goshen, Ind., concluded her work with Mennonite Church... read more →
Series of learning tours planned in response to Kairos Palestine appeal By Jenn Carreto Participants in the Mennonite learning tour of Israel/Palestine visit the separation wall... read more →
[Español] Karen Cox, moderator of Mountain States Mennonite Conference and pastor of Boulder (Colo.) Mennonite Church, is served communion by Beny Krisbianto, pastor of Nations Worship... read more →
NEWTON, Kan.—The Constituency Leaders Council of Mennonite Church USA will gather at Bethel College in North Newton, Kan., from Thursday, March 20, through Saturday, March 22. A task force commissioned... read more →