Felipe Hinojosa, assistant professor of history at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, presents at the Youth Ministry Council 2015 gathering at Spruce Lake Retreat... read more →
[Español] By Jenny Castro (Mennonite Church USA) — At every Mennonite Church USA convention, an offering is received to support a particular ministry or initiative of the church. This summer... read more →
This is the last of four Bible studies by different authors on the key Scripture text for Mennonite Church USA’s next biennial convention, to be held June 30–July 5, 2015,... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA)—Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board (EB) is presenting a resolution on the status of Mennonite Church USA’s Membership Guidelines for consideration by the Delegate Assembly at convention in... read more →
The “Stewart Five” raising their hands and singing We Shall Overcome as they are handcuffed and arrested for civil disobedience at Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin,... read more →
On April 13, a large and diverse group of Christian leaders called on lawmakers to support the recent Framework Agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. In a full-page ad in Roll Call, the... read more →
By Liza Heavener (Franconia Mennonite Conference/Mennonite Church USA)—This year marks 50 years since “Bloody Sunday,” an event that... read more →
By Janie Beck Kreider (Mennonite Church USA)—“Seed bombs” (or “green grenades”) are little balls of seeds and soil, the “weapons” of guerrilla gardeners around the world whose mission is to... read more →
By Yvonne Platts (Franconia Mennonite Conference/Mennonite Church USA) This year marks... read more →
Event looks to interchurch relations for models for intra-church relations Anton Flores-Maisonet, founding member of the Alterna Community in LaGrange, Ga., speaks at an event held... read more →
[Español] (Mennonite Church USA)—Mennonite Church USA’s Executive Board (EB) met April 6–8 in Kansas City, Mo., to prepare agenda for delegates to process at this summer’s Delegate Assembly in Kansas... read more →
This is the third of four Bible study installments by different authors on the key Scripture text for Mennonite Church USA’s next biennial... read more →
This is the second of four Bible study installments by different authors on the key Scripture text for Mennonite... read more →
Linda Dalke, Patrick Ressler and Jeremy Kempf awarded first place for individual compositions By Janie Beck Kreider (Mennonite Church USA)—Mountain States Mennonite Conference (MSMC) has awarded composers Linda Dalke of... read more →
NEWTON, Kan.—Mennonite Church USA convention planners are excited to announce the addition of two events to the schedule for the KC2015 denominational convention, to... read more →