English Version Here Diposting pada 1 Juni 2020 Oleh staf Dewan Eksekutif Gereja Mennonite Di tengah-tengah peristiwa baru-baru ini seputar pembunuhan George Floyd oleh polisi Minneapolis, kekerasan fatal terakhir terhadap... read more →
English Version Here Dipost pada 13 May, 2020 Oleh Staff MC USA Gereja Mennonite USA (MC USA) mendukung para pemimpin dan jemaat gereja melalui bimbingan praktis dan spiritual dan juga sumber daya ketika mereka yang mulai mempertimbangkan untuk membuka kembali gereja mereka di tengah-tengah pandemi COVID-19. "Memutuskan apakah, kapan dan bagaimana untuk membuka kembali adalah keputusan besar dengan konsekuensi serius," kata Glen Guyton,... read more →
by Emily Ralph Servant, Director of Communication, Mosaic Mennonite Conference Eastern District & Franconia Conference has become Mosaic Mennonite Conference, a change that was announced during a conference-wide virtual worship... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) released a statement on racial injustice today in response to events surrounding the killing of George Floyd... read more →
By Mennonite Church Executive Board staff Amid the recent events surrounding the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, the latest fatal violence against African Americans, Mennonite Church USA (MC... read more →
Contributed by MennoMedia One of the most potent ways we cope with hardship is by singing and praying together. Amid the loss of in-person gathering, congregations have shown a tremendous... read more →
Contributed by MennoMedia Coping with temporary loss of in-person congregational song (MennoMedia) -- With stay-at-home orders being lifted across much of the U.S. and Canada, churches are thinking about what... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — ReconciliAsian, a peace center in Los Angeles, is hosting a webinar series this spring to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the beginning... read more →
By MC USA staff Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is supporting church leaders and congregations with spiritual and practical guidance and resources as they contemplate reopening churches amidst the COVID-19... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) has released a new video, Donor Relations, that offers best practices for connecting with donors in ways... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — This tax season, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is seeking to highlight its Church Peace Tax Fund, formerly known as the... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) releases a new video series, Technology Best Practices for Service, that offers best practices for holding virtual meetings and worship... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is hosting a webinar to address questions about The Corinthian Plan, the denomination’s health plan for pastors... read more →
By MC USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA’s most popular webinar, Caring for Climate: Beyond Denial and Despair, is now available as a video series. The video... read more →
By Camille Dager, Mennonite Church USA Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship – a small, geographically dispersed congregation in rural Vermont – has strengthened... read more →