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  • The Holding it(,) Together Podcast
  • The webinar “Technology Best Practices for Virtual Meetings and Work Tools,” with technology strategist Crystal Washington
  • The webinar “Engaging MC USA’s Safe Church.”
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  • Monthly Bulletin Announcements – The latest announcements, highlights and upcoming events from Mennonite Church USA
  • Menoticias (formerly Meno Acontecer and Noticias) – Spanish language news and blogs from Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Education Agency
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Latest Blogs & Shorts

Journey for inclusion

Journey for inclusion

In 2018, Ardean Friesen asked his church to begin the process of discerning whether the congregation would become open and affirming. The two-year inclusion process.. Read More →
The fascinating memoir of James Liu, Chinese Christian leader and educator

The fascinating memoir of James Liu, Chinese Christian leader and educator

MC USA’s Camille Dager shares highlights from “My Life Story,” the autobiography of James Liu. The memoir is part of the MC USA Historical Archives’.. Read More →
Deep listening is essential for a life of faith

Deep listening is essential for a life of faith

What is deep listening? Spiritual director Ruth Johnston discusses the benefits of having a spiritual director who really listens. Ruth Johnston is an ordained and.. Read More →

Latest MenoTicias

GAMEO adopta un enfoque multilingüe y da la bienvenida a un nuevo líder

GAMEO adopta un enfoque multilingüe y da la bienvenida a un nuevo líder

Read the English version here. La junta directiva de la Enciclopedia Anabautista Menonita Online (GAMEO por sus siglas en inglés) celebró su reunión anual el.. Read More →
MC USA ofrece pasantías ministeriales para adultos jóvenes

MC USA ofrece pasantías ministeriales para adultos jóvenes

Read the English version here. ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — La oficina de Vitalidad de la Iglesia de la Iglesia Menonita de.. Read More →
Mujeres en Liderazgo de MC USA reconoce a miembros fundadoras salientes

Mujeres en Liderazgo de MC USA reconoce a miembros fundadoras salientes

Read the English version here. ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — El Comité dirigente de Women in Leadership (Mujeres en liderazgo; WIL por.. Read More →

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Press Contacts
Camille Dager

Chief Communication Officer