Welcoming EveryBODY celebrates the many gifts that people with disabilities bring to our church communities. This initiative also calls us to repent as a church in the ways we have not fully seen or welcomed people with disabilities. May we commit to being more loving and aware as we care for one another.

This initiative is a partnership between Mennonite Church USA and Anabaptist Disabilities Network (ADN).


Visit the Menno Snapshots blog and news.


Read MC USA’s proposed Accessibility Resolution [English] [Espanol]

It resolves for people with MC USA to “commit to growing as communities of grace, joy and peace without barriers so that God’s healing and hope flow through all of us to the world regardless of ability.”


Anabaptist Disabilities Network (ADN) resources:

ADN offers a wide variety of resources for families and congregations seeking to include persons with disabilities in their lives and ministries. These include:


Books – ADN recommended


Additional books



  • MC USA’s “Highlight: Accessibility Resolution” with Clare Krabill, MHS, and Jeanne Davies, ADN [EnglishSpanish]
  • ADN webinars







“Incomplete Without You: The Church and People with Disabilities” by Erik W. Carter


Prayer written by Erika Lea-Simka, pastor, Albuquerque Mennonite Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Oh, Creator of every body in all our glorious diversity, We thank you that we are each and all wonderfully made. Forgive us when we forget that we each and all have a seat at your abundant welcome table. Move us from ignorance to sensitivity, from judgment to humility, from fear to fellowship — ever deepened by remembering that we are all already one in your love.

May we know deep in our being that you call each of us your beloved as we are made in your image. Remind us that we are most whole as Christ’s body when we are unified in the sacred calling of faithful discipleship. Open our minds and hearts to serve and to be served by our siblings in faith, especially those who live with all types of disabilities.

May the Holy Spirit transform us so that we more clearly recognize your presence in each other as we experience your presence at work within ourselves. Give us wisdom as we deepen our commitment to solidarity with all struggles, remembering that all justice is intertwined. Strengthen our bodies to be of service as part of the Body of Christ that is made of many bodies.

In the name of the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Amen.


Teach and preach

How we preach and teach in the church about God’s relationship with disability can be healing or hurtful. Explore these positive faith formation and worship resources recommended by ADN.


Become a Congregational Advocate:

A Congregational Advocate or Congregational Accessibility Advocate is a blessing and a concrete expression of Christ’s love and hospitality for people with disabilities.


Become a partner congregation with ADN

Partner with ADN to equip your congregation to be more disability inclusive.


Apply for a barrier-free grant

Create barrier-free community life for all persons with disabilities and encourage your congregational  volunteers through matching financial support from ADN.



The mission of the Collaborative on Faith and Disability is to support people with disabilities, their families, and those who support them by providing national and international leadership in the areas of research, education, service, and dissemination related to disability, religion, and inclusive supports.

  • Putting Faith To Work: A model congregations and communities can use to connect job seekers with disabilities to meaningful employment

The Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition mobilizes the religious community to take action on disability policy with Congress, the President and Administration, and society at large.

Religion and Spirituality Interest Network is an Interest Network of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities that works for recognition of the importance of religion and spirituality in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities


Additional education, training and equipping

The Christian Institute on Disability (Joni & Friends) exists to impact the Church, Christian and public institutions, and societies with a biblical worldview and life-giving truth on issues pertaining to life, dignity, justice, and equality that affect people with disabilities.  

The Congregational Accessibility Network is an independent organization with an international interfaith mission to encourage congregations of all faiths to include persons with disabilities.

Institute on Theology and Disability, an accessible and inclusive four-day institute that gathers together leading scholars, writers, faith leaders, advocates, and others committed to advancing inclusive ministries and faith supports.

L’Arche USA strives to make known the gifts of people with intellectual disabilities, foster environments that meet our members’ changing needs, and engage in diverse cultures, working toward a more human society.


Anabaptist Disabilities Network connects and supports people who have disabilities, their families, and faith communities to create a culture of belonging for everybody. ADN is a ministry partner of MC USA and shares office space with MC USA in the denomination’s building in Elkhart, Indiana.