A leadership program of Mennonite Church USA, the Ministry Inquiry Program provides opportunity for students at Mennonite Church USA colleges/universities to explore pastoral ministry.
What is the Ministry Inquiry Program?
MIP is an opportunity for college-age young adults to test their gifts and explore their calling through a hands-on summer internship in a Mennonite Church USA congregation. Participants work under the supervision of a pastor and are involved in many aspects of congregational life and work. The MIP offers many placements for young adults to consider, including a wide range of congregations across MC USA.
“MIP has really enabled me to take a deep dive into pastoral ministry, both in what it could look like for me in the future and how I see it being played out in the congregation I’m serving in. I would definitely recommend this to anyone with even the slightest interest in exploring faith and leadership.”
-Elizabeth Eby, 2021 student intern at Ridgeway Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, Va.
“I loved being plopped down in the middle of a random, new community and told to make connections. It sounds like a daunting task, but as I began, I was welcomed and loved, experiencing Church as I’d never experienced before.”
– Luke Hertzler, 2019 MIP student intern at White Hall Mennonite and Ripple Churches, Allentown, Pa.
“The Ministry Inquiry Program helped me to be no longer afraid of public speaking. I feel very confident to pursue pastoral leadership roles in the near future. The seeds that have been planted in me will grow into mighty trees.”
– Justin Odom, 2019 MIP student intern at Park View Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, Va.
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Contact Rachel Ringenberg Miller, Denominational Minister for Ministerial Leadership: rachelrm@mennoniteusa.org