During the season of Lent, we will share weekly Scripture readings, prayers and rituals for all ages to observe Lent At Home, as well as special rituals for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. You can follow the series on the blog and/or download the full Lent At Home worship guide and calendar here.
Week 4, March 20-26: From Earning to Receiving
Light four candles.
Prayer: Jesus, sometimes we forget that all good gifts are from you. We rely on ourselves instead of on you. Open us up to receive your goodness.
March 20: Worship God in community.
March 21: Open your weekly box and place the symbols you discover on your Lent centerpiece. What clues do these symbols (garden tool, fertilizer) give you to the stories of the week to come?
March 22: Read Isaiah 55:1-9. Delight yourself in the Word of God by sharing a favorite Bible verse. Or go literal and delight yourself in some rich food!
March 23: Read Psalm 63:1-8. Sing a song of praise to God.
March 24: Read 1 Corinthians 10:12. When have you thought you were pretty secure, only to find yourself faltering?
March 25: Read Luke 13:6-9. Fig trees usually take three to five years to bear fruit, and they love richly fertilized soil, so the suggestion to give it time and spread some manure was pretty practical. When have you needed to wait patiently?
March 26: Take a walk in nature. Notice the gifts of God’s creation.

Visit MC USA’s Faith Formation page to find a one-stop hub of formation resources for all ages, curated through an Anabaptist lens.