During the season of Lent, we will share weekly Scripture readings, prayers and rituals for all ages to observe Lent At Home, as well as special rituals for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. You can follow the series on the blog and/or download the full Lent At Home worship guide and calendar here.
Week 3, March 13-19: From Fear to Compassion
Light five candles.
Prayer: Jesus, we sometimes let our fear and lack of understanding keep us from showing your love to others. Open our hearts to compassion. Amen.
March 13: Worship God in community.
March 14: Open your weekly box and place the symbols you discover on your Lenten centerpiece. What clues do these symbols (feathers) give you to the stories of the week to come?
March 15: Read Genesis 15:5-6. Go outside and look at the stars. Try to count them.
March 16: Read Psalm 27. The psalmist needs help, and demands (and trusts) that God will respond. Which verses in the psalm resonate with you right now?
March 17: Read Philippians 3:20. If our citizenship is in heaven, how does that change the way we act in the world?
March 18: Read Luke 13:34. Make a cozy “nest” for yourself and imagine Jesus as the mother hen, snuggling and protecting you.
March 19: Find a way to courageously show compassion.

Visit MC USA’s Faith Formation page to find a one-stop hub of formation resources for all ages, curated through an Anabaptist lens.